Katia Dandoulaki

Katia Dandoulaki

Birth : 1948-05-16, Thessaloniki, Greece


Katia Dandoulaki
Katia Dandoulaki
Katia Dandoulaki
Katia Dandoulaki


The 1821 at the Cinema
(archive footage)
In 1821, in Cinema, he records the cinematic representations of the Revolution from the first decades of the 20th century. until the present day. Despite the fact that the Revolution of 1821 constitutes the founding act of the modern Greek state, as a subject matter it is underrepresented in national film production. This is one of the points on which the research looks, which simultaneously examines the periods of concentration of films on the subject of the Revolution or, respectively, the periods of its collective silence. The purpose of the documentary is to study the ideological discourse and the cinematic language of the films with the theme of 1821, in order to highlight the function of the cinema as a carrier of Public History and as a factor in shaping the collective historical consciousness.
Μια Νύχτα στην Αθήνα
Ελλάδα...Είμαι Σε Δύσκολη Θέση!
Narrator (voice)
Sweet Country
Sister Mathilde
An American couple in Chile is drawn into the turmoil that followed President Salvador Allende's 1973 overthrow.
Το Τραγούδι Της Επιστροφής
Στα Δίχτυα του Τρόμου
Η Δαιμονισμένη
Λεσβιακός Αύγουστος
A young girl goes with her father and stepmother, with whom she has a lesbian affair, for vacation on a small island and a local fisherman gets between the two lovers.
Το σφάλμα
Οκέυ, φίλε
Οι Πολεμιστές της Ειρήνης
Στα Δίχτυα της Αράχνης
Ιπποκράτης Και Δημοκρατία
The father of medical in Kos, Hippocrates, believes that illnesses can be treated with medicines and herbs instead of prayers and comes into conflict with the medical establishment of the island. Leaving Kos, he goes to Athens, where he is called to face a plague for save the city.
Μπουμ Ταρατατζούμ
Two itinerant actress, the Vlakometros and Poniridis, arrive at Adira, a city of ancient Greece groaning under the despotic rule of the tyrant Hippias, to give a performance. Because Vlakometros is identical to Hippias, the dissident intellectuals will try to use it to overthrow the tyrant. A series of incredible comedic misunderstandings and unexpected will follow in this brilliant political satire, which had experienced serious problems with censorship when the Junta was.
Ως την Τελευταία Στιγμή
Souliotes learn that Ali pasha is planning to attack. Photos Tzavellas and his men are ready to defend their freedom. They repel repeatedly Ali's army but after a prolonged siege the decide that they are not to be taken alive. All women go to Zaloggo where they fall off the cliffs dancing, while the men decide to die exploding a convent at Kougi mountain.
Anna Fanarioti
The life and work of the hero of 1821 Papaflessas that during the liberation struggle of the Greeks against the Turks, revolutionizing the elders and the world to declare war!!! Up to the heroic battle Maniaki.... A movie that shows the heroism and sacrifice of the Greeks for their homeland and their freedom