Leonid Kulagin

Leonid Kulagin

Birth : 1940-06-07, USSR


Leonid Kulagin


Rus'un Oyunu
Profesör Vlademir
Highway M8
Yuri Borisovitch
Young and talented programmers Andrey and Marina have created a unique computer program of great commercial value. By a tragic coincidence, Marina dies. To complete the program, Andrey needs an access key for Marinin. Andrey is faced with the task of unraveling the secret of Marina's key. Only one photo serves as a clue - a photo of Jose, an old friend of Andrei and uncle Marina. In search of a clue, Andrei sets off on the road along the M-8 Highway, which leads to Vologda, where Jose lives. Lena, the lover of an oligarch who wants to take over the program, becomes Andrey's fellow traveler. On their trail are several more interested persons: a former "super agent", a gangster music lover, a distraught politician, stoned bikers and many others.
Wolfhound of the Grey Dog Clan
He was doomed to die, but managed to survive, and now his mission is to revenge for the annihilation of his tribe. He is the great warrior who calls himself Volkodav, and is the last man from the tribe of Serie Psi (Grey Hounds). After escaping certain death, Volkodaw — accompanied by Neletuchaya Mysh — is on a mission to kill Ludoed who is responsible to what happened to Serie Psi.
They can't see, but they really must... Because they love each other!
Shakh's Diamonds
A criminal story which started when a young bartender Mikhail lost all his money and decided to robe a private diamonds collection.
Man From The
The film tells the story of the life of a special detachment for soldiers whose every day is a real adventure ...
Ау, ограбление поезда
Grigoriy Mikhaylovich Poveshchuk
No Return
Tyoma's Childhood
A story about an adolescent years of Tyoma - a young boy from Russian countryside...
Forgive Us Mother Russia
A criminal story about how a KGB investigator tries to rehabilitate an innocent-convicted Red Army soldier and when she manages to prove his innocence - the power in the country changes and it is removed from further investigation.
Afghan Breakdown
During the main withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, a company of hardened paratroopers under the command of Major Bandura are joined by Steklov, the son of a high-ranking officer.
The Adventures of Quentin Durward, Marksman of the Royal Guard
Uncle Quentin Durward - Louis Bullseye
France, XV century. The young Scot, striving to make his worthy efforts, is kindly treated by the king and admitted to the guard. Soon the king entrusts him with a difficult mission - however, the matter turns into an insidious deception. Saving his beloved, the shooter of the guard shows miracles of courage and nobility ...
Динозавры ХХ века
The Charming Traveller
Радости земные
A girl named Venya Ryzhik, living in an orphanage after parents abandoned her as an infant, creates "The test tube babies' league" with her orphan peers, declaring their refusal to find the foster family and protesting the apathy of their neglectful parents
Мой дом - театр
A top American spy is in charge of a delicate mission. The USA plans to infiltrate several U-boats in the sea of Vladivostok, however they need the soviet surveillance satellite to stay 'blind' for a couple of hours, so this spy is sent to damage the antenna for the satellite. Everything was planned accurately. But the CIA never counted on the relentless pursuit of a frontier guard who sees the spy's parachute on landing.
Красные башмачки
lesnoy tsar'
Битва за Москву: «Тайфун»
The Black Arrow
Sir Daniel Brackley
Adventurous movie based on classical Robert Louis Stevenson novel.
Деревья на асфальте
Lasted, lasted, charm …
Anton Nikolaevich Skvortsov (O.Yefremov) is a strong and resolute person, for all his life he has been heading a big labor collective, and now he is retired, he interred his wife half a year ago, beared infarction, and now is living in his big flat with a daughter, her husband and a grown-up granddaughter. His attending doctor recommended his daughter to send him to the veterans house, in order that he could live with coevals, surrounded by congenial people and not feel so lonely. Not being able to stand all this, Anton Nikolaevich runs away from his house and goes on a sightseeing tour about Moscow. On the excursion bus he gets acquainted with Anna Konstantinovna (I.Savvina), whos retired on pension. This meeting turnes his life upside-down.
Forgive Me, Alyosha
Пароль «Отель Регина»
Бой на перекрестке
The Ballad of the Valiant Knight Ivanhoe
Cedric the Saxon
Ivanhoe is the story of one of the remaining Saxon noble families at a time when the nobility in England was overwhelmingly Norman. It follows the Saxon protagonist, Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe, who is out of favor with his father for his allegiance to the Norman king Richard the Lionheart. The story is set in 1194, after the failure of the Third Crusade, when many of the Crusaders were still returning to their homes in Europe. King Richard, who had been captured by Leopold of Austria on his return journey to England, was believed to still be in captivity.
The Black Triangle
Fiasco of Operation Terror
Kirył Prokopiewicz Nikołajew
The action-packed historical and revolutionary film about the struggle of the VCHK with the international conspiracy against the Soviet government in Russia in the beginning 20s. On the activities of Dzerzhinsky, chairman of the VCHK, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs and at the same time Commissar of Railways. About the work on resuscitation of a collapsed industry, army, railways, to which the Iron Felix attracts (some by threats, some by persuasion) pre-revolutionary intellectuals.
Следствием установлено
Ivan Stepanovich Shostak, «Fomin-Zalevsky»
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Ilya Yumashev
In their youth, they loved each other, but broke up. Ilya got married, became a doctor, Sasha learned to become an engineer, got married. And now they are together again, at a small, deaf station. They introduced themselves as husband and wife. In fact, while he is married to another, and she has the experience of a failed marriage. For eight days they will be in a remote stop where no one knows them and no one will interfere with love...
Города и годы
Privalov's Millions
A young heir of a big fortune Sergey Privalov is coming back to his native town after a long absence. Having visited his owned plants, he breaks out with the idea to rebuild the industrial processes, improve the life of workers, and build schools and hospitals. Though, his interests collide with the interests of local big wigs, to whom the existing situation suits perfectly
The Fourth
American journalist gets a sensational material but is afraid to publish it...
Слушайте, на той стороне
Nomadic Front
1919, Russian Civil War. Siberia was united under the rule of the White Guard General Kolchak. Unwilling to recognize his power, 32 common villages from the Yenisei province declare themselves the independent Soviet Badja Republic. The Badja guerrillas, led by the hero of the WWI Pyotr Shchetinkin, quickly become a serious enemy for the White Guard.
О друзьях-товарищах
Im Spannungsfeld
Electronic data processing is an absolute must in the Information Age. Karl Hoppe, the director of a large plant, is aware of this need for modernization and hires mathematician Dr. Jochen Bernhardt to install computerized systems which are supposed to calculate ways in which the plant could be run more effectively. Dr. Bernhardt is so focused on efficiency that he forgets about the human side of work, causing his girlfriend to leave him and several dissatisfied employees to quit their jobs.
A young man discovers that his father behaved dishonourably during wartime.
A Nest of Gentry
A screen adaptation of the novel of the same name by Russian writer Ivan Turgenev. The film portrays the life of Russian landed gentry in the 1840s. After a long travel in Europe, nobleman Lavretsky returns back home. Everything in his estate is so familiar and dear to his heart. On his first visit to his neighbors, the Kalitins, he meets Lisa. He forgets his wife, left in Paris, forgets all his past. He desires only one thing – to always be with Lisa who is so unlike the women he used to know.
Beginning of an Unknown Era
Two young directors adapted the short stories of two Russian authors whose works had been banned for decades, and so their film ended up in the censor’s vault as well – for twenty years. Both tales look back to the post-revolutionary era: 'Angel' speaks tragically of the brutality and destruction of the time, and 'The Homeland of Electricity' captures its haunting grotesquery.