Christian Jensen


You Matter
See You in My Dreams
Joe, an overwrought rancher is striving from his harsh upbringing, trying make a better life for his family. When his business falters, Joe fears his son, at the age of 15, will follow in his footsteps, and decides to drive him from home.
The Maldonado Miracle
Immigration Officer (as Chris Jensen)
A story about a small, dying town in need of hope until one day a young boy gives them something to believe in.
The Climb
Newspaper Reporter
A pair of mismatched rock climbers must learn to work together to conquer one of the world's most treacherous mountains in this adventure tale. After rescuing a wealthy man, solo climbers Michael and Derrick are rewarded with a chance to summit Mount Chicanagua. Risk-taker Derrick clashes with safety-conscious Michael, but in order to live through the ordeal they must work as a team.