Key Animation
This is the story of Tokisaki Kurumi that shouldn't have been told. The amnesiac young girl, Empty, who woke up in the neighboring world encounters Tokisaki Kurumi. Led by her, the place she arrived at was the school's classroom. In order to kill each other, the girls known as semi-Spirits gathered. Now then, let's begin our battle (date).
Key Animation
The three brothers discover that the human experiment banned after destroying the "Orochi", is still going on to secretly revive the evil snake. They also find out that some ex-members of the Yamainu (the Japanese military unit formed to kill the snake) are behind this conspiracy. The brothers fight together again in a battle against the military.
Key Animation
Fuma ninja clan is a secret ninja tribe that is waiting for the "Orochi" (gigantic snake) to resurrect for generations. Shirasu and his twin brother Ichiu grew up in this viscous environment and this tells how they become the leaders of the clan.
Key Animation
Meicoomon rampages after witnessing Meiko Mochizuki being injured by the man bearing Gennai's likeness. "It would have been better if you hadn't been born..." Meicoomon disappears into the Real World, which has since become distorted. Possessing overwhelming power, she's the key to the world's destruction.
Key Animation
Upon arriving at the Digital World after the "reboot", the digidestined are hunted by a new villain. Meanwhile, Sora is troubled by her partner digimon's indifference towards her.
Key Animation
Ash and his two friends Iris and Cilan help a Keldeo battle against a powerful Dragon-type Pokémon named Kyurem its his test to become a Sacred Swordsman.
Key Animation
Animated film about the Seveso disaster, which took place north of Milan, Italy in 1976.