Uhm Hye-soo

Birth : 1994-10-31, Seoul, South Korea


Uhm Hye Soo is a South Korean actress.


"Promise, do you keep it well?" 'Tae-seok' makes a living on a daily basis" 'Soo-hyeon' can't keep up with her growing debt" 'Ji-yeon' keeps getting on the wrong path" The three people who are on the edge of the cliff Sweet whispers that cannot be rejected A contract with the devil with life as collateral! The moment you break your promise The endless curse unfolds!
TV high school student
A reverse comedy that tells the story of a perfectionist assassin who falls and hits his head in a sauna, giving him amnesia. When a down-and-out actor switches locker keys with him, they switch lives until the hit-man, who soon becomes an action hero on TV, starts to remember things.
Sang-mi's Group
Seven girls become good friends in high school, then events pull them apart for 25 years. When one of the friends lies dying in a hospital, she wishes to see each of them one last time.