Long after debuting on British television in the 1980s, this popular cartoon series for kids -- narrated by the ghostly Willo (who is, in fact, a mere wisp) -- now enjoys a comfortable cult status among adults. Hounded by the meddlesome Evil Edna -- a wicked witch who inhabits a TV set -- Mavis, Carwash, Arthur and the other inhabitants of Doyley Woods (voiced by Carry On star Kenneth Williams) do their best to stay out of her way.
An animated cartoon on smoking and health. The villain, Old Nick O'Teen, disguises himself as an 18-year-old motorcyclist, the better to lure children into the cigarette habit. Fourteen-year-old Sam falls into the trap, but after awesome visions of his future, expert advice from a doctor, and straight talk from a friendly lorry-driver renounces the habit.