Andreanna L. Jenson


Production Assistant
65 million years ago, the only 2 survivors of a spaceship from Somaris that crash-landed on Earth, must fend off dinosaurs to reach the escape vessel in time before an imminent asteroid strike threatens to destroy the planet.
Poker Run
This picks right up after the events of "Stand On It!" (2020) with the lovable characters being offered $2.5 million for a single game of Texas Hold'em, which takes them to multiple locations by various means of travel to play the card turns- with absurd hilarity ensuing.
One of These Days
Dealership Patron
In the Texan “Hands on a Hardbody” competition, contestants stand around a new pickup truck for days, touching it with one hand. Whoever holds out the longest wins the truck.
Nurse Lianne
The 47-year old Al Capone, after 10 years in prison, starts suffering from dementia and comes to be haunted by his violent past.