Irina Nikiforova


Our Winter
A married couple who have lived together for 10 years decide to divorce. They both understand that divorce is the only way out of a stretched failed marriage, where each of them believes that they have not fully realized their potential and that divorce will give impetus to a new life and forgotten dreams.
Black Snow
Gosha is a trucker who carries goods to the remote Northern parts of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Together with food, he brings burnt vodka to the villages, feeding the local population with low-quality alcohol. So, on the next flight, it is profitable, but unfairly exchanges vodka for meat. His greed leads to the fact that he decides to go back to the city alone. On the way, his car breaks down. And at a distance of hundreds of kilometers-not a single living soul...
It is the word "horde" that had meant, for many countries and nations, bloody raids and being under humilating contribution for centuries - a strange and scary world with its own rules and customs. To be or not to be for Rus (Ruthenia), that is the price of the one-man mission as he is departing to this world to accomplish a feat. The film tells the story of how Saint Alexius, the Metropolitan of Moscow and Wonderworker of All Russia, healed the Tatar Queen Taidula, Jani-Beg's mother, from blindness, in 1357.
Foma Gordeyev
Люба в детстве
Foma Gordeyev, the son of a wealthy Volga merchant, doesn't want to continue his father's work. The mind is sickened by the dirt and injustice of life around him. Foma is seeking solace in a drunken rampage and wild antics. After many years of desolation, he is half-ill at the opening of a night shelter built with his father’s money.