Keerthana Murali


Achcham Madam Naanam Payirppu
The story revolves around a teenager from a conservative family who struggles to strike a balance between societal expectations and personal desires. According to the popular adage, Achcham (Fear), Madam (Innocence), Naanam (Coyness), Payirppu (Chastity) are the four "ideal" qualities that every good Tamil girl must possess.
Unearthing the Treasures of Ariyalur
Sound Mixer
How would one travel time, traverse a chasm spanning millions of years to stare into the past? In the little town of Ariyalur, you can do the impossible. Standing in the midst of a mass grave of prehistoric ocean life, one gets a glimpse of mother earth in her Cretaceous prime and comes face to face with a physical incarnation of time and life of the planet.
Unearthing the Treasures of Ariyalur
How would one travel time, traverse a chasm spanning millions of years to stare into the past? In the little town of Ariyalur, you can do the impossible. Standing in the midst of a mass grave of prehistoric ocean life, one gets a glimpse of mother earth in her Cretaceous prime and comes face to face with a physical incarnation of time and life of the planet.