

The Day I Grew Up
In this coming-of-age short, undocumented teen Adrian takes matters into his own hands when his predatory uncle resurfaces after a decade of absence. Fearing for the safety of his vulnerable young brother, the two boys head to the city in the dead of night and attempt to make it on their own.
Chasing Rodriguez
Daniel Rodriguez
Four teenagers enter a short film contest to win a cash prize. While filming their movie they inadvertently capture a robbery on film.
Miss Finknagle Succumbs to Chaos
A 10-minute fiction film chronicling one fate-turning day in the life of lonely high school librarian, Miss Finknagle. This delightful tale, told through the eyes of four high school students, is a philosophical investigation, moral fable, coming-out, and coming-of-age story all at once. When Miss F. disappears, unlikely companions Kaylee, Tiffany, Edgar, and Morgan reach across their social strata to try to solve the mystery. In the end, they may find a renewed respect not only for Miss F. and her struggles but for each other as well.