Michel Gudin


State of Grace
She is Florence Vannier-Buchet. Married to Protestant banker Jean-Marc Buchet. Florence leads a major sporting goods company with happiness and firmness. He is Antoine Lombard, Professor, son of a teacher, he is Secretary of State at the Universities. He divides his time between his ministerial activity and his riding in the working class suburb of Chartres. An elected member of the "pink wave". They met during a stormy assembly of the CNPF. The action takes place in 1983. Florence is engaged in a daring industrial and financial operation, while Antoine is putting the finishing touches to a bill for the renovation of Higher Education. Everything separates them and yet they do not manage to live separated from each other ...
It Only Happens to Others
Catherine and Marcello are secluded in their house, living under the candlelight. Unable to accept the injustice behind the loss of their nine-month-old baby, they face a slow but definite self-destruction.
Aladdin and His Magic Lamp
Narrateur (Voice)
He travels to Aladdin's village, identified as being near the border with China, where he enlists Aladdin's help by pretending to be his long-lost uncle and offering to leave his wealth to Aladdin. At one point, the Magician character tells the story of his travels to China, India and Persia and we see a montage of these adventures and it's kind of interesting because of the way it invokes other cultures of the era. There is some unnecessary padding throughout as characters break into songs that do nothing but tell parts of Once upon a time, somewhere in Africa, a local magician dreamed of owning the Magic Lamp. Thanks to a Magic Ball he learned that the Lamp could be found in an Asian village and that only the innocent hand of a young person could snatch it. He traveled to the place, a village called Three Hill City, close to the Chinese border. There lived Aladdin
Monsieur de Falindor
A time lord of Valois must go to war. He learns by a prophecy that his honor risks being affected. He entrusts his wife to Maxime de Falindor who, despite the temptation, will know how to restore her wife and honor intact.