

Period Piece
From Critically-Acclaimed Underground Filmmaker Giuseppe Andrews (Trailer Town, Touch Me in the Morning) comes Period Piece, his most ambitious film experiment yet! Featuring talking tater tots, fornicating teddy bears, a smoking dead pig and the most disturbing visage of God ever put on screen, Period Piece threads together multiple plotlines following a unique assortment of tragicomic characters living along the Ventura Highway. There’s the retired police officer (Walt Dongo), broken and homeless after the untimely death of his son during a birthday camping trip. The elderly homebound father (Tyree), hopelessly doomed to pantomime the sexual conquests of his glory days with an imaginary prostitute named Serenity. The French Midget writing his epic screenplay about a half-man/half-stuffed animal chauffeur. This truly independent masterpiece takes Andrews one-of-a-kind aesthetic to a new level of surreal hilarity, creating a portrait of love and death you’ll never forget.