Najah Hafiez

Najah Hafiez

Birth : 1941-11-05, Damascus, Syria

Death : 2017-06-05


Syrian actress. Her artistic beginning was in the sixties of the last century, when she participated in a number of works, including (The Cute Thief, The Ladies Tailor), while the seventies witnessed her artistic brilliance through her embodiment of the character (Fattoum) in several series, including (Sah Al-Noom) in 1974, and her works continued after that. The most prominent of which are (Forbidden Bread, Night and Rijal, Nest of the Madmen).


Najah Hafiez
Najah Hafiez


Wake Up
فطوم حيص يسص
Two friends find themselves in an unexpected conflict when one of them, an employee working in a small hotel, falls for the hotel owner, but she is in love with his friend, a painter who has been staying in the same hotel for a long time, which creates jealousy and conflict between the two friends.