Fourmix Studio


Kapan Hamil?
Sound Designer
Two married couples, Alan and Nadya and Athar and Karin, have not been blessed with children after approximately three years of marriage. In an effort to have children, they both undergo IVF program at the Doctor Sanjaya clinic. Alan, who felt himself to be sterile because before marriage he lived a free life but none of his girlfriends could get pregnant by him was very afraid of getting himself checked out, worried that he would find out that he was actually infertile, which would surely make him very embarrassed.
Makmum 2
Sound Designer
Just now her husband died, Rini's sorrow grew when Bude, who raised her, died. While returning home to mourn, Rini's only child, Hafis, disappeared and was found unconscious in the middle of the forest. He fought alone to save the only family he had left. At that time, Rini was again disturbed by a supernatural figure resembling Makmum, which made her faith waver and put her child in a dangerous condition.