Loni von Friedl

Loni von Friedl

Birth : 1943-07-24, Wien, Austria


Loni von Friedl


Die Hardy Krüger-Story
Monsoon Baby
Nina and Mark wish for years in vain a child. An adoption is out of the question for them, they would like to have their "own" child. There seems to be only one solution left for her: a surrogate mother in India. A business model that specific physicians and clinics specialize in the field. Euphorically, Nina and Mark travel to their foreign country. Everything seems perfect at first, the doctor Kamalika acts competent and in the young Shanti they quickly find the right surrogate mother for their desired baby. But in the nine months to the birth they begin to wonder if the decision was right.
Ich, Ringo und das Tor zur Welt
Meta jung
Die Treuhänderin
Kindermädchen bei Münchmeyers
Unser Reigen
Rosamunde Pilcher: Flamme der Liebe
Das Tal der Schatten
Karin Heller
Gegen den Strom
Trügerische Nähe
Rosamunde Pilcher: Wind der Hoffnung
Das Phantom von Bonn
Anna Dräcker
Die rote Waschmaschine
Mutter der Braut
Chéri, mein Mann kommt!
Jede Menge Schmidt
Kirstin Hansen
Killer kennen keine Furcht
Loni Hauser
A crime comedy directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb.
Cat's Game
Big Mäc
Frau Brugger
Bernhard „Big Mäc“ Maurer, Ex-Motorradfreak und gelangweilter Klavierlehrer, wird nach seiner Kündigung als Musiklehrer eines Münchner Gymnasiums von der Fachzeitschrift Motorrad zum „perfekten Motorradfahrer“ gewählt. Ihm wird eine Prämie von 50.000 Dollar versprochen, wenn er es schafft, einem japanischen Team in einer Abenteuerrallye von der Zugspitze zum Kilimandscharo zuvor zu kommen. Maurer sagt zu und wählt als zweiten Mann, den Techniker, seinen jungen Nachbarn Max aus. Max, für den es um einen Ausbildungsplatz geht, verletzt sich kurz vor Beginn der Rallye und muss aussetzen. Ohne Maurers Wissen übernimmt Max’ fast identisch aussehende Schwester Maxi die Rolle des Jungen.
Unerreichbare Nähe
Story of the relationship between two women. Ines, a successful career woman, and Monika, whom Ines takes in after she has attempted suicide.
Martina Hillenbrink
Liebe hat ihre Zeit
Der Floh im Ohr
Raymonde Chandebise
Zofe Fiametta
Wecken Sie Madame nicht auf
Spion unter der Haube
Jessica Thompsons
Lisa Hartmann
A planet is discovered in the same orbit as Earth's but is located on the exact opposite side of the sun, making it not visible from Earth. The European Space Exploration Council decide to send American astronaut Glenn Ross and British scientist John Kane via spaceship to explore the other planet.
The Blood of Fu Manchu
Fu Manchu inoculates ten women with poison, to kill ten world leaders.
The Moment to Kill
Regina Forester
Two famous gunmen, Lord and Bull are called to a southern western town by a judge to retrace a gold reserve, worth $500.000 which was hidden in the last days of the Civil War, by a Confederate colonel and people have been looking for it ever since.
Bei Kerzenlicht
Eine Krankheit genannt Leben
Carla Gerco
Der Unbestechliche
Der Werbeoffizier
Die Letzten
Die Tage und Nächte der Beebee Fenstermaker
Beebee Fenstermaker
The Blue Max
Elfi Heidemann
A young pilot in the German air force of 1918, disliked as lower-class and unchivalrous, tries ambitiously to earn the medal offered for 20 kills.
Der Verschwender
Alle meine Söhne
Annie Deever
Das Konzert
Eva Gerndl
Der König mit dem Regenschirm
Doddy und die Musketiere
Frühstück mit dem Tod
Vickie Paul
Der Kreis
Ihr erster Ball
Gaby von Altenburg
Liebe will gelernt sein
The Happy Years of the Thorwalds
Brigitte von Tienitz
The Thorwald family is well-off and contented when a tragedy strikes: the father is killed in an accident. Miss Thorwald takes over the raising of her children, four girls and two boys with the youngest already fifteen years old. She manages to keep them together in spite of the fact that their economic situation deteriorates after World War I. Never one to look too critically upon her brood, the woman undergoes a moving and gradual transformation as the adult activities of her children bring home the fact that none of them are what she had once imagined.
Zwei unter Millionen
The Shadows Grow Longer
Erika Schöner
The Shadows Grow Longer (German: Die Schatten werden länger) is a 1961 Swiss drama film directed by Ladislao Vajda. The film was selected as the Swiss entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 34th Academy Awards, but was not nominated.
Zu jung für die Liebe?
Das Paradies
Leonie Perrot
Mein Schulfreund
Das Apostelspiel
When the Bells Sound Clearly
Austrian count von Warthenberg is a grumpy stud-farm-recluse since his wife's death. Ths summer, his old lover Susanne Weiden arrives, hoping for a 'fat' marriage and inheritance. But his daughter Hanna made other plan with secret lover Michael, teacher of Vienna's world-famous Wiener Sängerknaben, who will spend their Alpine countryside holiday in the village. Among them is adolescent Michael 'Mikel', son of the count's estranged elder daughter Maria. The plan is to make grandpa and knave meet and bond before their blood-ties are revealed. A stray dog accidentally and equestrian genes help.
Das Nachtlokal zum Silbermond
Lachendes Wien
Maria Theresia
Marie Antoinette
A biography of the eighteenth century Habsburg Empress Maria Theresa.
Der fidele Bauer
Annamirl als Kind