Sean Pecknold


Sean Pecknold is an independent animator, music video and film director from Seattle, Washington based in Los Angeles, CA. He uses analog filmmaking techniques to create stories about lonely shapes, people, animals, and objects. He enjoys wandering into visually strange and magical places. It’s not just girl meets boy. It’s girl meets boy then turns into a tree. His body of work includes award-winning films and animations for Fleet Foxes, John Legend, Netflix, Dreamworks, Dirty Projectors, Google, Sony, Lyft, Headspace, The New York Times, and the BBC. His work has been presented at film and design festivals all over the world and his animated film The Shrine / An Argument won the Best Animation at the UKMVAs in London. Sean is a proud recipient of a Young Gun Award from the Art Director’s Club of America. He runs Sing-Sing studio in Los Angeles with his partner Adi Goodrich and has taught stop-motion classes in NYC, Seattle, Los Angeles, and CalArts. He recently directed and animated stop-motion for Song Exploder on Netflix as well as stop-motion for Worn Stories also on Netlfix. He is a contributing columnist to The Smudge. He is currently working on a feature length stop-motion film called The Last Forest.


Tennis, Oranges
In a pandemic-era hospital, a robotic vacuum, bored by its repetition, decides to quit. Seeking a more meaningful existence, it ventures to a quiet Chinatown street. There, it encounters two solitary rabbits, each trapped in their own repetitive routines. As the vacuum befriends one of these characters, it finds a sense of community and begins to explore a broader purpose beyond its programmed tasks of cleaning. A dance ensues and for a time things are good. But all good things in life can't last.
VFX Artist
"Featherweight" by Fleet Foxes from the album 'Shore'
"Featherweight" by Fleet Foxes from the album 'Shore'
Lighting Artist
"Featherweight" by Fleet Foxes from the album 'Shore'
"Featherweight" by Fleet Foxes from the album 'Shore'
"Featherweight" by Fleet Foxes from the album 'Shore'
"Featherweight" by Fleet Foxes from the album 'Shore'
"Featherweight" by Fleet Foxes from the album 'Shore'
A Very Lonely Solstice
Fleet Foxes’ Robin Pecknold has announced his first livestream since the release of his fourth record, Shore. A Very Lonely Solstice Livestream will happen on the winter solstice, December 21, at 9 p.m. Eastern.
The Unknown - Jesper Baker
The first of an on-going series of stop-motion shorts called The Unknown. This part concerns a little fellow named Jesper Baker. A man who has found himself stuck in life.