Tatyana Fyodorova


A Hazel Tree Twig
The girl Mariuka goes in search of her brother Grigorash - he was carried away by the evil sorceress Kloantsa. On the way, the girl helps the Walnut Bush and the Giant. The bush gives her a magic tree twig...
Flight to the Moon
A boy is by an accident a member of a crew that is going to travel to the moon.
Flight to the Moon
Assistant Director
A boy is by an accident a member of a crew that is going to travel to the moon.
Zay i Chik
Two cotton bunnies - brothers Zai and Chik - receive an invitation to perform at a puppet concert. On the way to the theater, a mischievous and naughty Chick violates the rules of the road many times.
The Hunchedback Horse
Adventures of Ivan the Fool and humpbacked horse in the world of kind magical creatures and cruel people.