Self (uncredited)
Based on a real-life story, this drama focuses on a small group of Allied soldiers in Burma who are held captive by the Japanese. Capt. Ernest Gordon (Ciaran McMenamin), Lt. Jim Reardon (Kiefer Sutherland) and Maj. Ian Campbell (Robert Carlyle) are among the military officers kept imprisoned and routinely beaten and deprived of food. While Campbell wants to rebel and attempt an escape, Gordon tries to take a more stoic approach, an attitude that proves to be surprisingly resonant.
This documentary tells the extraordinary story of a British prisoner of war tortured by the Japanese in World War II who spent 50 years trying to locate the man who cruelly interrogated him near Thailand's infamous Kwai bridge. Eric Lomax and Nagase Takashi met again on the bridge in a meeting that would profoundly change their lives. After this experience, Lomax wrote his famous autobiography "The Railwail Man", which was adapted to the cinema in 2013 with the same title. The documentary reveals exclusively what really happened when they both agreed to meet.