Barbara Hamilton

Barbara Hamilton


Barbara Hamilton


Mrs. Partridge
Recently orphaned, a young boy is taken in by his godmother who is shocked to realize that she can see the boy's imaginary friend: a flamboyant, French magician named Bogus.
Shining Time Station: Second Chances
Billy's nephew, Kit, comes to visit the station
Shining Time Station: Once Upon a Time
Mysterious cowboy Ned Kincaid arrives at Shining Time Station and instantly builds a bond with Stacy Jones. A jealous Schemer resorts to his old devious ways in an attempt to win over her interest.
Change of Heart
Aunt Bea
An 8-year-old heads for Toronto to find her father, joined by an uncle who wants her inheritance.
Mrs. Duckworth
Spin off from the classic 1946 Jimmy Stewart film "It's A Wonderful Life" finds his protecting angel, Clarence, again returning to Earth to help another human.
Hot Paint
Two losers rob a rich guy and discover that, among the loot, they've taken a rare painting worth $2.8 million. John Larroquette plays his usual rude, selfish character-here named Gus - and he suckers Willy (Gregory Harrison) into his scheme to rob the mansion. The two losers have to try to figure out how to sell the valuable but high-profile item without getting busted. They travel the world looking for potential buyers but always end up short. Everyone can see that they are novices in the art world and buffoons in general.
B.C. A Special Christmas
Fat Broad
Peter enlists his sarcastic one-legged friend Wiley to help conjure a myth based around the idea of giving. Seeing the chance to make a profit off the selflessness of others, the two caveman create a figure that develops into the first Santa Claus but are then baffled when the "myth" they've created apparently becomes real. Substituting gain for fulfillment, Peter and Wiley experience the true meaning of Christmas.
Lost and Found
Mrs. Bryce
While visiting Switzerland, an American college professor, Adam, keeps running into a divorced British secretary, Patricia, wherever they go. First their cars collide. Then they smash into one another on a ski slope, each breaking a leg. In between numerous quarrels, the two develop lust and love. They hastily marry, but the disagreements continue. Patricia decides to leave, so Adam decides to fake a suicide. They lose and find each other, again and again.
Snow Job
Bus Driver
The roads are full of snow and the bus is late. The Principal is mad at the bus driver but he is also sick.
The Year of the Yahoo!
A country-western singer is recruited to run for the U.S. Senate, and soon clashes with his unscrupulous campaign manager on the tactics to run his political campaign.
The Lady Craved Excitement
Chorus Girl
A music-hall performer and her boyfriend find themselves caught up in the machinations of a trio of not particularly bright crooks.