Fred Ilenstine


Under Western Skies
A Marriage Witness
The girl gives herself to one of the men to escape a worse fate, though she separates from another lover to do it. Later she discovers in a dramatic way that her lover was a poltroon and turns to her husband for protection.
The Mistaken Bandit
Jim Thaw runs an isolated general store in California. He occupies a position as agent for the Great Eastern Express Company, which in the west is a day job. One day the stage drives up and deposits a money box with Thaw with instructions from the general manager of the Great Eastern that it is to be held with him over night, adding that he must keep a careful watch as it is reported that Buck Brady, an outlaw, has been seen skulking in the vicinity of Thaw's store.
The Ranger's Bride
The story concerns Bill Dunham, a droll cow-puncher, who finds that home without a wife may have its advantages, "but durned few," and a good woman who can sew on buttons and make flapjacks is worth more than much silver and gold and the liberties of single blessedness.
Method in His Madness
Pedestrian in Last Scene
A doddering old gentleman, out for his morning's constitutional, suffers an attack of epilepsy in front of a saloon in the country town. Pedestrians run to his rescue and the barkeeper of the saloon brings out a good jolt of whiskey to revive the stricken one. A tramp who has noted the accident, has also mentally noted the glass of whiskey, and being thirsty for a drink himself, he turns away, a brilliant scheme revolving in his mind. A few minutes later the tramp in passing another saloon is seen to fall and go into violent contortions. A crowd gathers and the saloonkeeper comes out with the dose of whiskey. "Weary" is delighted, and meeting an old tramp friend of his, puts him wise to the little game.
The Ranch Girl's Legacy
Jack Tyler, a handsome young Boston youth, receives a letter from his attorneys, Post & Post, that his uncle, a Western ranchman, has died and that he is one of the heirs of the $1,000,000, left by his uncle. This part of it is very good but the condition prescribed in the will is not so agreeable, because the whimsical old uncle has stipulated that he is to receive his portion of the inheritance, providing he marry his uncle's niece.
The Cowboy and the Squaw
Tom Ripley, a cowpuncher from the Circle A ranch, wins the hatred of Jim Simpson, another cowpuncher, when he defends Lightfeather, a pretty squaw, from the insults of Simpson.