Ilmar Ernits


Art Designer
Film about conflict between young and old generations. In this animated film with live actors the protagonist is a girl, who is brought up by her grandfather. He lives in a strictly regulated world where animate as well as inanimate creatures have fixed places, which are marked by chalk on the living-room floor. Anything surpassing those borders is mercilessly scarped out of the film strip. The young girl, in whom the primal forces of nature are awakening, learns from her grandfather’s fading sexuality. She starts to scrape the filmstrip as well, to change the world according to her own will. What will she draw instead of her past childhood?
The War
Art Designer
The protagonist of the film is the Bat living in an old mill and fighting rats and crows. It’s the war fought by disproportioned forces, where the battle is won by cleverness, skill and cunning. Somewhere outside the mill another war is fought.
Set Decoration
There is only one animal living in the zoo - the giraffe. No one but the little girl goes to see her. To attract visitors, the director of the zoo orders an advertising giraffe. But then it turns out that people are only fascinated by artificial giraffes, they are not interested in a living animal. The general "giraffe boom" begins. The film ridicules the fascination with "mass culture" not from the real and the living, but from the imitation and the artificial.