Ruth Saville


Edith Adair
A cowboy travels East to settle an old score. He finds the man he's been looking for, but his beautiful daughter pleads for her father's life.
The Man in Him
Margaret Houston
John Stone becomes engaged to Margaret Houston much to the disapproval of Harry Gardner, his rival. Determined to ruin Stone in the eyes of society, one night at a party Gardner steals a pearl necklace and a diamond bar-pin. He hides the necklace in his own clothes but places the bar-pin in Stone's pocket when he is not looking.
The Book Agent's Romance
The Capitalist's Daughter
The book agent meets the daughter of a capitalist on a street car when she accidentally ties her shoelace to his. A few days later the girl's father advertises for a butler. A gang of crooks send one of their number to apply for the position. He is accepted. The capitalist gives his wife the choice between a trip abroad and a pearl necklace.
Her Lesson
The Capitalist's Wife
The capitalist one evening suddenly realizes that his wife is slowly drifting away from him. A certain young Rodney Hildebrand has been paying her great attention and her affairs are the common gossip at the club. He determines to at least save his wife's name from dishonor.
Broncho Billy's Love Affair
Billy's Sweetheart
Broncho Billy becomes engaged. A month later the engagement is broken when the girl's father comes into a fortune. She moves to the city with her parents, where she lives surrounded by luxury.
The Escape of Broncho Billy
The Ranchman's Daughter
Broncho Billy is in love with the rancher's daughter. Her father disapproves of their affair and one day quarrels with Broncho. A few days later the rancher drops dead while at work. Broncho Billy's rival discovers the body and seeing an opportunity to implicate Broncho, shoots the rancher's body. Broncho Billy is accused of the murder
Too Much Turkey
Mrs. Frank Potter
Frank Potter cannot afford to buy a turkey for Thanksgiving. He conceives the idea of pawning his dress suit, and at the same time his wife decides to pawn her ring, both keeping silent as to their plans.