Rex Downs


Cavanaugh of the Forest Rangers
Joe Gregg
Ed Wetherford becomes an outlaw and, to escape imprisonment, abandons his wife Eliza and daughter Virginia. After attending college in the East, Virginia returns to California, where she meets and falls in love with Ross Cavanaugh, a United States ranger.
Nerves of Steel
Bud Carson - Leader of the Gang
Detective Strong is warned that an attempt will be made to free the crooks he is taking to the penitentiary. In spite of his vigilance, the prisoners escape when confederates start a gunfight on the train. Strong and his men scour the countryside for the fugitives.
Train Order Number Forty-Five
Borden - Helen's Rival
Borden, who nurses a secret grievance against Helen, awaits an opportunity for revenge. The girl telegrapher receives a message which informs her that the freight of which Easton is conductor, is to wait at Workman until the Fast Mail passes.
A Perilous Chance
Bull Sterling - Escaped Convict
Bull, Reno and Red make a getaway after holding up the Limited. Helen later sees the men and summons the detectives. The convicts escape from the trap and board a passing freight. Helen also succeeds in getting aboard. The train crew discovers the fugitives. Reno, in charge of the valise containing the loot, throws it into the boxcar ahead.
The Runaway Boxcar
Denny - Yeggman
Disguised as car repairmen, Mealius and Denney get aboard the express car, overpower the express messenger and steal a valuable package being forwarded to Arlington. Helen sees the crooks jumping from the car when it stops for water at Lone Point and gives the alarm.
The Broken Train
Wheeler - a Crook
Helen spotting two jewel robbers sever the telegraph wires and hop onto a passing freight, jumps into a racing auto and takes off in pursuit. In the meantime, the freight's brakes fail, and the train breaks in two. Helen, on a road parallel to the tracks, leaps onto a flat car, runs forward, informs the train crew what has happened, and captures the crooks.
The Hazards of Helen Ep26: The Wild Engine
Superindent Marks
Helen, informed of the danger which menaces an excursion train because another engine on the same track is running wild, mounts a motorcycle and speeds down the track to warn the passengers of their imminent peril. Nearing a river trestle under repair, she hurtles into the river; undaunted, she swims to the opposite bank and flags down the excursion train in the nick of time, causing the engineer to run his train onto a siding just a few moments before the runaway dashes by.
The Box Car Trap
Charlie - Gerald's Son, a Brakeman
Jim, determined to ruin a box car brake test, hides inside, removes the flooring, and ruins the brake apparatus. As a result, the box car runs wild, trapping him inside. Before Helen can sidetrack the runaway, it shoots off the track at Elbow curve, overturning as it topples down the embankment. Helen smashes a hole through the side, braves the flames, crawls into the car, rescues Jim and drags him to safety. But her heroism is too late; Jim dies in her arms.
The Girl Engineer
Evans - Williams' Foreman
A crooked mine owner attempts to hijack his rival's shipment of ore, but Helen foils his plot by jumping onto the engine and pulling the throttle wide open, eventually exposing the unscrupulous villain.
The Girl on the Trestle
Freight Conductor
A wagon load of powder explodes, destroying the railroad trestle under which it is passing; Helen, knowing that a passenger train is due within a few minutes, climbs aboard a freight car which coasts down a steep grade near the trestle. As it nears the structure, she applies the brakes, leaps to the ground, crawls across the burning trestle
The Death Train
Doyle - Chief of the Counterfeiters
The smashed corner of a trunk containing counterfeiting paraphernalia reveals to Helen that there is treachery afoot at Lone Point. Detectives capture two of the trio, but one of them gets away, pursued by Helen, across a high railroad trestle. Seventh of the "Hazards of Helen" Railroad Series.
Grey Eagle's Revenge
Shooting blindly, the redskin slays his best friend.
The Tigers of the Hills
Captain Miller - Howard's Rival
Miller conceives a bitter hatred for Howard, his successful rival for the hand of Ruth, daughter of Colonel Cameron, commandant of a western array post. A party of immigrants, ignorant of Indian customs, destroy some burial scaffolds. The desecration is witnessed by the red men and a desperate battle ensues.