Per Fjeld


Olsenbanden gir seg aldri!
Production Design
The Olsen Gang realizes that cash is obsolete with the current inflation rate, and plans a coup for property and bonds. They make a fake company and tries to buy Oslo's biggest shopping mall, Steen and Strøm.
Olsenbanden og Dynamitt-Harry mot nye høyder
Production Design
An unfaithful servant in the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate tries to sell top secret information to German industry leaders. Egon has a plan to earn money on the transaction himself.
Vi spillopper
Production Design
A filming of the revue Vi spillopper.
Olsenbanden og Data-Harry sprenger verdensbanken
Production Design
With the help of a corrupt diplomat the Olsen Gang plans to rob the World Bank, with help from the re-schooled Dynamite-Harry, now a computer expert.
Olsenbanden og Dynamitt-Harry på sporet
Production Design
The Olsen Gang is robbed in Spain and loses the millions they earned from their last heist. Egon has a plan to get the money back by robbing the National State Railways for a gold transport.