Bonny Metoxen


The Dirt on Mom
Sis (voice)
Pipecleaner Dad finds that Mom has dug up the backyard and converted it into an archeological site. Her latest find: a giant plastic-handled screw driver from an age long gone by. Mom's success as an Archeologist seems to fluster Dad, almost as though his job wasn't as important.
Wired for the Holidays
What makes the holiday season truly special? Lights? Cards? A crushed tree? The house on fire? A crash into the neighbor's door with head? While the Pipe Cleaner Family tries to enjoy the Christmas season, Dad insists on re-creating the holiday exactly as he remembered it as a boy, forcing his traditions on everyone else with disasterously comic results.
Haywire Heart
What do you say when you are picked up by a giant bird, dropped in it's nest, fall from a very high heighth, smash into buildings and crash face-first into the sun? It wouldn't be "Happy Valentine's Day"! The Pipe Cleaner Family is at it again as Dad tries to cross the street with the very best Valentine present for the very best Valentine.