Key Animation
The story centers around Marimo Nogami, a usually quiet fourth-grade girl in elementary school. However, a certain incident leads to Marimo's personal strength blossoming.
Key Animation
Hutch the Honey Bee and friends set on an adventure to find Hutch's missing Queen Bee Mother, whom he lost during a surprise attack by a group of Hornets. In the process Hutch makes friends with various other animals. At a town called Sepiatown he even befriends Amy, a kindhearted human girl who can talk with insects ...
Key Animation
Takamachi Nanoha is a normal third-grader who feels a little useless and out-of-place with no purpose. Then one day, she saves a ferret, who turns out to be a mage from another planet who came to this planet to search for the jewel seeds. Nanoha agrees to help, but this task gets complicated when another girl arrives to steal them.