Rafael Guendelman


Two radishes is too much for one family
In the year 1985, the artist’s mother, Carmen Hales, was kidnapped by the DICOMCAR (Dirección de Comunicaciones de Carabineros, the Chilean police force’s Direction of Communications), one of the military dictatorship’s organisms for oppression. In spite of having a hood pulled over her face, she was able to recognize the route taken with her kidnappers through a specific counting system. This orientation and memory exercise is the starting point for reflecting on the differences that exist between hyper-connected times, such as ours, and a bipolar and linear past, exploring different ways of moving through and relating to space.
Ana men Chile
Ana men Chile means “I am from Chile” in Arabic, and introduces the paradox of contemporary national identity, particularly in the case of the artist who is a Jewish / Palestinian descent but also a Chilean citizen. This situation allows the author to demonstrate the conflict from a broad tour of the occupied territory, with the freedom of being a foreigner. Above you can hear Palestinian descendants from Chile – home to the largest Palestinian community living outside the Middle East – who from their own subjectivity reflect on the future of Palestine, as well as on their own memories.
Diaries from Between, West Bank
“Diaries from Between, West Bank” documents the landscape of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the West Bank in video. The narrative builds its structure from the geography of the region, from Jerusalem to the Palestinian Territories and the Jordan Valley. It explores the manifold ways of seeing both man’s control over a specific territory, and also man’s control over the people that inhabit it.
Aliyá, yeridá
Aliyá in Hebrew means to ascend and immigrate to Israel; Yeridá, the opposite, to descend and emigrate. From family archives, the author explores his family's motivations for emigrating to Israel in the 1970s, as well as the disappointments that led to their return to Chile decades later.