Martin Farrell

Martin Farrell

Birth : , Motherwell, Scotland


Martin enjoyed an illustrious career in the hair & beauty industry before moving into the charity sector. Whilst also acting part-time as a supporting artist in many popular Film & TV shows such as River City, Vigil, & Outlander to name a few. Martin claims he really cut his teeth on set. 'It's totally 'on-the-job' training' he says. In 2021 he was cast in his first lead role playing the ghost of Robert Burns in the short film 'Burns Night'. Martin then filmed many days as part of the 'core team' on season 2 of Amazon prime's Good Omens. The same year he was featured on the BBC drama The Control Room. By Christmas he could be seen performing as 'The Good Fairy' in the pantomime The Wizard of 'Shawz' in Shawlands/Glasgow. He was then excited to be featured on the now cancelled BatGirl movie starring Leslie Grace, & Michael Keaton. Then as 'the consultant' he toured with the play Islets of Silence, raising awareness for pancreatic cancer. In the same month he filmed a proof-of-concept trailer; Bondage Controversial, where he played transvestite dominatrix Vivetta. 2022 has been a busy year for Martin training with Acting Coach Scotland while working on Anansi Boys, The Elect, & being featured on the new Apple TV production Debutante, & BBC drama Guilt. Martin also had the pleasure of working with Collective Voices Productions, where he was cast as newsreader Archibald Burlingham in their film Mockumentary Man.


Martin Farrell


Burns Night
Burns' Ghost
On Burns Night, a lonely young man from Glasgow, bumps into Scotland’s most famous bard who turns out to be a terrible flirt advisor.