Gabriel Real


The Major Tones
After an accident, Ana needs some metal prosthetics in one of her forearms. During her winter vacation, she notices something strange—as though her arm were an antenna, she begins to receive messages in morse code. This happens every day, but the frequency is different. With a little help from her friends, the young woman spends her days trying to decipher the enigmatic code coming from her body. Is it a song? A call from unthought-of places? Is it a game? Or a simple problem with the prosthetics? As she did in her short films, Ingrid Pokropek relies on fiction to tackle the shortcomings of early adolescence and pay tribute to Buenos Aires City’s geography. In Los tonos mayores, the fantastic barges in little by little, with the same conviction Ana enters the adventure of her life.
Someone Upstairs
Lucio is staying at his sister's house. He has no job and spends his days reading, drawing and watching television. When his sister and her boyfriend leave for a short trip Lucio takes over the whole house but strange things begin to happen.