William Curtis


William (Will) Curtis is a current VMA student an Emerson College located in Boston, Massachusetts. When not studying for class, directing or producing films, you can find Will at AMC synchronizing himself with the Nicole Kidman intro and watching films or at Halal Guys.


Bed Bugs
A B-horror short film that twists the concept of the famous old family rhyme into a gruesome reality: Don't let the bed bugs bite.
Bed Bugs
A B-horror short film that twists the concept of the famous old family rhyme into a gruesome reality: Don't let the bed bugs bite.
Bed Bugs
Executive Producer
A B-horror short film that twists the concept of the famous old family rhyme into a gruesome reality: Don't let the bed bugs bite.
Bed Bugs
A B-horror short film that twists the concept of the famous old family rhyme into a gruesome reality: Don't let the bed bugs bite.
No Song Or Dance
Production Assistant
As Alex moves into his college dorms, he finds himself fascinated by the lives of other people as he navigates through his social life.