Herbert Smith

Birth : 1901-06-30, London, England

Death : 1986-02-04


La Promesse
Camera Operator
Wendy is the British guest of a French couple and the daughter of the man who saved the host's life during World War II. Living with the couple is their 20-year-old son and a 12-year-old nephew whose parents were killed in an automobile accident. The father and son both try to seduce the attractive guest. The young boy retreats into his own world and dreams of being taken back to Britain by Wendy in this romantic drama. The mother spends her time bleaching her hair and is seemingly uninterested in anything that goes on with her family at the beachfront villa. Meanwhile, Wendy and the younger boy develop a fondness for each other, while his aunt and uncle fail to understand his needs.
Too Young to Love
A court case ensues when a 47-year old man is caught with a 15-year old girl, and he claims he never knew she was so young.
Cat Girl
A psychiatrist treats a woman who is convinced that she turns into a killer leopard because of a family curse.
The Tommy Steele Story
This is the story of the early life and rise to fame of Tommy Steele. His manager wanted him to be a tough rock'n'roller and so challenge Elvis Presley but Tommy is too nice.
The Truth About Women
Associate Producer
Baffled and at a loss to understand the mentality of Diana, his wife, Anthony makes a frantic visit to the home of her parents to discover that she is staying with them.
The Faithful City
Associate Producer
The Israeli-made Faithful City stars Jamie Smith as an American in Tel Aviv just after World War II. Smith makes the acquaintance of a group of orphans, Jewish refugees of the concentration camps. It takes some doing, but Smith wins the love and trust of these displaced youngsters. Like most government-funded Israeli productions of the early 1950s, Faithful City is designed more to instruct and inform than entertain. That it happens to be entertaining in the bargain is all the more reason to seek out this extremely rare film.
Treasure Island
Executive Producer
Enchanted by the idea of locating treasure buried by Captain Flint, Squire Trelawney, Dr. Livesey and Jim Hawkins charter a sailing voyage to a Caribbean island. Unfortunately, a large number of Flint's old pirate crew are aboard the ship, including Long John Silver.
They Were Not Divided
The film begins in a WW II training depot of a British Guards armoured regiment where recruits from many walks of life learn to survive the strict discipline and training together before going into battle in tanks. There is a cameo appearance by the real Sgt. Major Brittain who was famous in the British guards regiments.
Morning Departure
Production Manager
The crew of a submarine is trapped on the sea floor when it sinks. How can they be rescued before they run out of air?
The Rocking Horse Winner
Production Manager
A strange and tragic tale of a young boy who is able to predict race winners at the horse track by riding his own rocking horse to aid his parents out of their endless round of debts.
Naughty Arlette
Production Manager
Arlette is a malicious schoolgirl who uses her feminine charms to attract, and then destroy, every man gullible enough to respond to her flirtations. She sets her cap for the art professor and very nearly does him in... but his loving wife and daughter help the deluded man escape the seductive mantrap.
Give Us This Day
Production Manager
Exiled from Hollywood due to the blacklist, director Edward Dmytryk briefly operated in England in the late 1940s. Though filmed in its entirety in London, Dmytryk's Give Us This Day is set in New York during the depression. Fellow blacklistee Sam Wanamaker is starred as the head of an Italian immigrant family struggling to survive the economic crisis.
The Chiltern Hundreds
Production Manager
Young Viscount Tony Pym wangles National Service leave on the pretext of standing as a Tory candidate for a local seat held by his family for generations. The request is a ruse to enable Pym to marry his wealthy American fiancee while she's still in England, but his masterplan backfires when he finds himself swept into an election campaign and beaten by Labour's Mr Cleghorn – who is then made a peer. In an attempt to save face, Pym decides to stand again – as a socialist. It all proves too much for the Pyms' loyal, true-blue butler, Mr Beecham...
The Lost People
Production Manager
Set in a German theatre after the Second World War, two British soldiers are holding a disparate and hostile band of refugees in this theatre, prior to returning them to their homelands. The soldiers have difficulty dealing with the rivalries between Serb and Croat, resistance fighter and collaborator, Pole and Russian, etc. The threat of plague briefly unites them, but eventually even this wears off and the refugees unite in their hostility to the British.
Adam and Evelyne
Executive Producer
The father of a girl in an orphanage, who doesn't remember him, has been writing to her with tales of his success in business. Actually, he is impersonating a friend, a handsome gambler. When the father dies, the gambler takes the girl from the orphanage and tells her the truth. But the girl is now a full-grown beauty and complications arise, including those provided by a black-sheep brother.
The Perfect Woman
Production Manager
In need of cash, Roger Cavendish and his valet take a job escorting the perfect woman for a night on the town. She is in fact the robotic creation of Professor Belman, but it turns out rather to be the Professor's niece Penelope doing a pretty good imitation of the perfect Olga who winds up with them in the bridal suite at the Hotel Splendide.
The History of Mr. Polly
Production Manager
Quiet and somewhat direction-less, Alfred Polly uses the money he inherits from his father to marry and to set up shop in a small town. His heart is in neither of these enterprises and he eventually resorts to desperate measures to break free. His random wanderings in the countryside lead him to a new opportunity that just might be what he's been looking for all along.
Executive In Charge Of Production
Winner of four Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor, Sir Laurence Olivier’s Hamlet continues to be the most compelling version of Shakespeare’s beloved tragedy. Olivier is at his most inspired—both as director and as the melancholy Dane himself—as he breathes new life into the words of one of the world’s greatest dramatists.
Woman Hater
Executive Producer
A confirmed bachelor and a woman who claims to hate men get together and find romance.
The Weaker Sex
Executive Producer
A British housewife does her own battles against the enemy during World War II.
The October Man
Executive Producer
Jim Ackland, who suffers from a head injury sustained in a bus crash , is the chief suspect in a murder hunt, when a girl that he has just met is found dead on the local common, and he has no alibi for the time she was killed.
Odd Man Out
Executive Producer
Belfast police conduct a door-to-door manhunt for an IRA gunman wounded in a daring robbery.
Green for Danger
Executive Producer
In the midst of Nazi air raids, a postman dies on the operating table at a rural hospital. But was the death accidental?
Men of Two Worlds
Associate Producer
An African music student returns home and has to defeat the witch doctor who dominates his tribe and attempt to take them to healthier land away from disease-infestation.
The Chronicle History of King Henry the Fifth with His Battell Fought at Agincourt in France
Executive Producer
In the midst of the Hundred Years' War, the young King Henry V of England embarks on the conquest of France in 1415.
Mr. Emmanuel
Associate Producer
An elderly Jewish man from Manchester, travels to Nazi Germany to seek the mother of a young German refugee that has attempted suicide. In Germany, Mr. Emmanuel’s efforts to seek out Hertha Rosenhein are greeted by a wall of silence from the scared Jewish community and anti-Semitic hatred from many Germans.
The Way Ahead
Executive Producer
A mismatched collection of conscripted civilians find training tough under Lieutenant Jim Perry and Sergeant Ned Fletcher when they are called up to replace an infantry battalion that had suffered casualties at Dunkirk.
Tawny Pipit
Associate Producer
Jimmy Bancroft, a fighter pilot, who is recovering from injuries sustained during the Battle of Britain, and Hazel Court, a nurse, come across a pair of rare birds nestling in a field. After a run in with the army, and a couple of thieves, they, with the cooperation of the village people and the Ornithology Society, help the eggs to hatch. A wonderful look at life in a small village, during World War II.
The Gentle Sex
Executive In Charge Of Production
During the War seven women from very different backgrounds find themselves together in the Auxiliary Territorial Services. They are soon drilling, driving lorries, and manning ack-ack batteries.
In Which We Serve
The story of the HMS Torrin, from it's construction to its sinking in the Mediterranean during action in World War II. The ship's first and only commanding officer is Captain E.V. Kinross, who trains his men not only to be loyal to him and the country, but—most importantly—to themselves.
Associate Producer
In 1930s France a bar hostess helps a man prove himself innocent of murder.
The Case of the Frightened Lady
Production Supervisor
A classic British thriller set in a sinister old house, based on a story by Edgar Wallace.
Soft Lights and Sweet Music
British musical film directed by Herbert Smith.
Soft Lights and Sweet Music
British musical film directed by Herbert Smith.
Jury's Evidence
Production Supervisor
'Foreman of Old Bailey jury refuses to accept circumstantial evidence and helps solve murder case.' (British Film Catalogue)
The Happy Family
A mother and father who, in order to shock their extended family out of their idle spendthrift ways, pretend to have lost all their money.
Ten Minute Alibi
Production Supervisor
Derwent dreams up an unbreakable alibi for a murder. Once the crime is attempted, it then falls to Pember and Brace of Scotland Yard to sort things out.
The Case of Gabriel Perry
An unstable Victorian doctor murders a woman.
Charing Cross Road
British drama film directed by Albert de Courville.
The Big Splash
A millionaire hires a man to play his double...
In Town Tonight
A British musical film directed by Herbert Smith.
In Town Tonight
A British musical film directed by Herbert Smith.
The Green Pack
A wealthy investor in a South African mine is murdered.
Strike It Rich
Eddie Smart (George Gee) was born clumsy and is a laughing stock at work, the Sprouto Hair Tonic Company. One day a phrenologist reads his 'bumps' and pronounces him another Napoleon. Eddie becomes a changed man and issues orders to everyone. Meantime the boss believes Eddie to be the rightful owner of the company so let's him have his way. With the boss ill, Eddie invests heavily in the nutmeg market, almost bankrupting the company. By luck the research department discover that nutmeg is the secret ingredient for the new hair-restorer. The 1933 British Lion comedy feature film "Strike It Rich" starring George Gee and Gina Malo seems to be a 'lost' film on the 35mm cinema film format. However it was released (sadly savagely cut) on the UK Pathescope 9.5mm home movie film format in December 1938. One musical number was cut from the 9.5mm feature film release, but issued separately in a 9.5mm Pathe Vox Review. This print has this extra item edited back in.
This Is the Life
This Is the Life is a 1933 British comedy film directed by Albert de Courville and starring Gordon Harker, Binnie Hale and Betty Astell. It was made at Beaconsfield Studios by British Lion.
Great Stuff
A woman's parents became robbers in a desperate effort to prevent her marrying an unsuitable man.
Cleaning Up
Tony Pumpford takes a job selling vacuum cleaners, and in doing so tangles with a chorus girl. He then accidentally ends up in the show whilst demonstrating the cleaner.
King of the Ritz
While working at a top hotel, the head porter falls in love with a wealthy female guest.