Dagmar Biener

Dagmar Biener

Birth : 1946-06-23, Berlin, Germany


Dagmar Biener


Der Schaumreiniger
Frau Schlowanz
Secret Love: The Schoolboy and the Mailwoman
Frau Kähler
A 17 year old boy falls in love with a 37 year old woman. As if this wouldn't be enough they are of different social classes and she is married.
The Middle of Nowhere
Erna Goltz
After escaping from youth-prison during a fire-alarm, young MAREK hitch-hikes into an unknown future. Suddenly there's a new chance: He 'gets' a car, a passport, a ticket to Australia and switches into a new identity. After the car breaks down, he is stuck at a filling station close to a very small village in former East Germany where he meets Margot. There are many problems to solve if he wants to continue his trip - maybe with his new love.
Im Club der Millionäre
Das Mädchen aus der Torte
Rosi Schindler
Downhill City
Frau am Band
A handful of disparate people in Berlin are drawn to the same residential hotel in the drama Downhill City. Finnish musician Artsi heads to Berlin in hopes of hitting the big time; needing a place to stay, he takes a room at the Downhill City Hotel and ties to find a market for his music. Meanwhile, another Downhill Hotel resident, aspiring author Fabien, meets a former convict named Sascha who has nowhere to stay and offers to take him in. Peggy, who works at a fast-food restaurant, is unhappy with her boyfriend Hans and finally kicks him out. Peggy meets Artsi when he stops by the burger stand one day, while Hans (who ends up crashing with Sascha and Fabien) starts a new relationship of his own with Doris.
Stan Becker – Echte Freunde
Hundert Jahre Brecht
Lea Katz - Die Kriminalpsychologin: Einer von uns
Erika Schröder
Der Mann auf der Bettkante
Zu treuen Händen
Gudrun Bendler
Rudy, the Racing Pig
Flat-dwelling urban family win a pig in a raffle, and decide to keep it. They lose their flat (no pets allowed) but eventually Rudi the pig makes good.
Pappa ante Portas
Brigitte Mielke
After ordering enough typewriting paper for 40 years, just to get discount, Heinrich Lohse is forced to retire.
Der neue Mann
Frau Schneider
Stowaways on the Ark
Alice Holzwurm
Willie, a sweet little woodworm, accidentally becomes a stowaway on Noah's Ark and Noah and the animals believe he is drilling holes into the wooden boat. Can Willie really be responsible?
Frau Mengelberg
Paul Winkelmann is the CEO of a successful business in Hamburg that he took over after the death of his father eight years ago. But he is still strongly dominated by his 78 year old mother who cares for him as a child, and who cannot understand why he took an apartment on his own after all these years. The real "problem" starts when Paul gets to know psychologist Margarethe Tietze whose relationship to her parents is also not so easy after all.
Ein Kuckuck im Nest
Fifty Fifty
Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg
Meier, a paperhanger in East Berlin, inherits from his father in West Berlin. With this money he wants to fulfil himself the dream of his life: a journey around the world. He buys a forged West German passport and pretends to go on a trip to Bulgaria while he really is off to see the free world. When he wants to return to East Berlin he finds himself in an unbelievable predicament and his double life begins. He can't keep away from his East German friends. As with all the best comedies, the action builds up to an eventual crisis. It's a light comedy, which won several national Film Academy Awards. The film is very political, with lots of political jokes/innuendos which only Germans will understand. One is left feeling what a total obscenity that stupid Wall was, dividing one people for 30 years (1-2 Generations) simply by the coincidence on where you just happen to be in the early morning on the 13th August 1961.
Wenn ich dich nicht hätte
What Shall Become of You
A 12 year-old street kid in a slum of Berlin struggles to stay afloat through a commitment to his compassionate teacher and ambivalent classmates, aged 11-14, who also bear the harsh marks of impoverishment, which manifest themselves in peer ruthlessness and disrespect of adults.
Unternehmen Arche Noah
Satan ist auf Gottes Seite
Dannys Traum
Danny's Mutter
Fleeting Acquaintances
Die Präsidentin
Und plötzlich bist du draußen
Elke Schenk
Der Pfingstausflug
Eva Kutschera
A Happy Family Life
Elisa Pittig
Wages and Love
Tod in Astapowo
Steig ein und stirb
Lina Tetzner
Geschäfte mit Plückhahn
Monika Jännicke
Das Ding an sich und wie man es dreht
Ein Mädchen für alles
"Bambule" is German prison slang for "riot". This 1970 TV movie follows a day in the life of three adolescent borstal girls in Berlin: Irene escapes (but returns after she finds no bearings in the outside world), Monika is caught and transferred against her will to another home run by nuns, Iv (Evelyn) incites her room mates to riot at night.
O süße Geborgenheit
Der Versager
Eva Schreivogel
Karin Petzold
Die Heirat
Dienstmädchen Dunjaschka
Im Schlaraffenland
Agnes Matzke
Freddy unter fremden Sternen
Alice Miller
Freddy can hardly believe his good fortune: His uncle has left him some land in the Rocky Mountains, and, together with orphan Stefan, he's taking off for Canada. However, the great inheritance turns out to be a decrepit, old log cabin in the middle of nowhere. Nevertheless, an unusual number of people seem to be way too interested in the rundown ranch.
Drei leere Räume