Eduard Linkers

Eduard Linkers

Birth : 1912-10-11, Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Death : 2004-04-03


Eduard Linkers


Student Gerber
Professor Prohaska
Kurt Gerber is attending his final class and gets into trouble with the math professor, a frustrated self-assured petty bourgeois sadist. The duel ends in catastrophe.
Die Gräfin vom Naschmarkt
The Marquise of O
A German Marquise has to deal with a pregnancy she cannot explain and an infatuated Russian Count.
Mr. Hefte
In the bourgeois circles of Europe after the Great War, can anything save the modern man? Harry Haller, a solitary intellectual, has all his life feared his dual nature of being human and being a beast. He's decided to die on his 50th birthday, which is soon. He's rescued from his solipsism by the mysterious Hermine, who takes him dancing, introduces him to jazz and to the beautiful and whimsical Maria, and guides him into the hallucinations of the Magic Theater, which seem to take him into Hell. Can humour, sin, and derision lead to salvation?
Die Erbschaft
The Salzburg Connection
Tour Guide
An American lawyer on vacation in Europe is asked by a book publisher to stop by the Austrian town of Salzburg to see a photographer who's taking pictures for a book on picturesque Austrian lakes. Upon his arrival he senses that something is wrong when the photographer seems to have vanished, leaving a near panic-stricken wife and a sinister, secretive brother. Before he knows it, the lawyer finds himself mixed up with spies, assassins, and the hunt for a list made up by the Nazis during World War II of people who collaborated with them.
Bloody Friday
Dr. Gutwein
Womanizing thug Klett is sprung from the courthouse by two accomplices, then sets about planning the big heist of a local bank, equipped with a cache of high-powered weapons he's acquired from an American army outpost. Together with his faithful protégé, who reluctantly on-boards his young girlfriend and her AWOL brother, the quartet bumble their way through the supposedly full-proof plan that aims to deliver them a cool million in cash and a new life in Australia. Predictably, things deteriorate quickly at every turn.
Der Seitensprung des Genossen Barkassow
Annemarie Lesser
Deep End
Cinema Manager
London, England. Mike, a fifteen-year-old boy, gets a job in a bathhouse, where he meets Susan, an attractive young woman who works there as an attendant.
Der Fall Sorge
Branko Vukelitsch
Friedrich Ebert und Gustav Stresemann, Schicksalsjahre der Republik
Ago von Maltzan
Nationalkomitee Freies Deutschland
Kommissar Melnikow
Jack of Diamonds
The protégé of a famous cat burglar reluctantly agrees to join forces with a lesser criminal in the daring heist of several famous jewels from a seemingly impenetrable vault.
Das Attentat - Der Tod des Engelbert Dollfuß
Ivar Kreuger der Zündholzkönig
J.C. Brown
Bericht eines Feiglings
Onkel Otto
Fluchthelfer Franz Ritter (uncredited)
An American scientist is sent by the CIA to East Germany to retrieve a secret microfilm from a Soviet scientist interested in defecting to the West but the Stasi secret police's surveillance complicates matters.
Der Komödienstadel - Die Mieterhöhung
Damen und Husaren
Die weiße Weste
Die Bekehrung des Ferdys Pistora
Als ich beim Käthele im Wald war
Aus meiner Waldheimat
Der Komödienstadel - Der Schusternazi
Als ich noch der Waldbauernbub war
Freud: The Secret Passion
Dr. Torsch (uncredited)
An examination of Czech-Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud's career when he began to treat patients diagnosed with hysteria, using the radical technique of hypnosis.
Muß i denn zum Städtele hinaus
Bankdirektor Sieper
Der Impresario von Smyrna
Das Wunderkind Europas
Du holde Kunst - Szenen um Lieder von Franz Schubert
A Matter of WHO
Health officials from the World Health Organization link a smallpox outbreak in Europe to oil drilling in the Middle East.
Question 7
Werkmeister Zingler
Suspenseful story of a boy and his father, each forced to decide his future on his willingness to stand up for what he believes.
The Festival Girls
Hollywood stars go wild at the Riviera film festivals.
Der letzte Fußgänger
Himmel, Amor und Zwirn
Schatten der Helden
Gabor Peter
Orientalische Nächte
a movie by Heinz Paul
Georgia Gale was a great poet, but then she stopped writing and started drinking heavily. Now, as a desperate last resort, she has traveled to Switzerland, where she hopes to find a cure.
Heiße Ware
Ludwig Klein
Der Haustyrann
Cafe owner Paul Perlacher is a real pig: not only are his daughter and sister Trude embarrassed constantly by his disgusting behavior, but his tenants are subjected to every legal trick under the Sun to get them to move out. Nevertheless, Amalie Hartning's a stubborn woman and can take care of herself well when it comes to her tyrannical landlord. If that weren't enough for Paul, his daughter's gone and fallen in love with the nephew of this pain in rear! And when Paul's ordered to jail by the courts, that really is the last straw.
Nackt, wie Gott sie schuf
A Farewell to Arms
Lieutenant Zimmermann
An English nurse and an American soldier on the Italian front during World War I fall in love, but the horrors surrounding them test their romance to the limit.
Der Etappenhase
Zahlmeister Kranz
Das Mädchen Marion
Kitty and the Great Big World
Die Wirtin zur Goldenen Krone
Finanzminister Bollemann
Der doppelte Ehemann
It Happened on July 20th
A dramatic reconstruction of the July 1944 attempt by German Army Officers to assassinate Hitler with a bomb and end the war before Germany was totally destroyed.
Madame Aurélie
Der Wirt Casimir
Mr. Arkadin
Second Policeman - Munich
Claiming that he doesn't know his own past, a rich man enlists an ex-con with an odd bit of detective work. Gregory Arkadin says he can't remember anything before the late 1920s, and convict Guy Van Stratten is happy to take the job of exploring his new acquaintance's life story. Guy's research turns up stunning details about his employer's past, and as his work seems linked to untimely deaths, the mystery surrounding Mr. Arkadin deepens.
Mannequins für Rio
Monsieur Albert
Grim melodrama about girls sent to South America to be used by crooks.
Das Licht der Liebe
Gläubiger Walter Zellers
Cuba Cabana
Soudný den
JUDr. Červenka
Křížová trojka
The Green Notebook
Karel Bočan
Antonín Klika
Based on the novel by Karel Capek, the prominent Czech writer of the early 20th century who coined the word robot for his play R.U.R., the story revolves around a discovery of Krakatit - a powerful explosive - by Prokop, an experimental scientist who, following an accidental explosion in his lab, slips in and out of delirium. When he realises that, in a delirious period, he has given the formula for making Krakatit to one of his colleagues, he tries to find the man, who does not realize how dangerous a thing Krakatit is. In the process, he nearly gives his discovery away again to foreign interests, a group of anarchists, and even greater forces of darkness...
Nobody Knows Anything
Fritz Heinecke
Revolution in Toyland
German SS Soldier
In WWII Czechoslovakia, an old toymaker incorporates secret messages in his models to fool the Germans. They find him out and he flees. As the Gestapo officer hunts around he is attacked by the toys, who send him packing. Live action and stop motion short by Hermína Týrlová.
The Stolen Border
Czech film tells the story of a border town in World War II. Family members and friends become enemies.
Velký případ
Konrad Peitel von Iglau (voice)
Men Without Wings
After an attack against the guard of the Third Reich, Nazi repression intensifies, and the Czechoslovakian resistance's organized sabotage in an aircraft factory leads to Gestapo shootings.
Peter im Schnee
Theobald Flambach
Catherine the Last
Steinschneider, Braun's secretary
Story of a naive kitchen maid who falls in love with a wealthy womanizer.