Buddy Elias

Birth : 1925-06-02, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Death : 2015-03-16


No Asylum: The Untold Chapter of Anne Frank's Story
Anne Frank’s father, Otto shows his enduring love for his daughter by desperately seeking visas to save their family from the Holocaust. No Asylum brings Otto’s voice to life through his recently discovered letters, revealing for the first time the emotional tale of how the world turned its' back on the Franks.
Hunkeler und der Fall Livius
Charles Gentzmüller
Das Fräuleinwunder
Roman Rau
On her eightieth birthday, a lawyer gives Frida Borel, the wealthy heiress of a textile fortune from St. Gallen, a mysterious pill from the legacy of her father, who died long ago. This miracle pill is supposed to relieve her of the misery and infirmity of old age. The effect is as surprising as it is far-reaching: Frida becomes physically young again, although she remains mentally the same age as before. But who is going to believe a 25-year-old who claims to be 80? Not even her long-time gardener, Roman, recognises her anymore. Suddenly Frida finds herself penniless. After being waited on her whole life, she now has to go to work for a living. And if that were not unsettling enough, her nephew Georg and his greedy wife, Eva, pilfer everything they can from of her villa. Frida has to acknowledge that her closest relatives would literally walk over her dead body if given the chance.
Hunkeler - Tod einer Ärztin
Der alte Jude
Love in Thoughts
Dr. Frey
A posthumous look at the last days of Guenther's life as he, his best friend, and his sister let loose on a four-day binge of alcohol, drugs, and sex.
Mit deinen Augen
Jacob Meerbaum
Despite her blindness, the famous singer Sophie Martell, who lives in Venice, has remained a cheerful, optimistic woman. However, she does not look forward to much, as her agent David hired journalist Eike Blohm to write Sophie's biography. But soon the idiosyncratic woman falls in love with her sensitive biographers. David, however, is not at all thrilled with Sophie's love affair: he fears that this could expose his scams and embezzlement of Sophie's private assets.
A movie from the italian director Fabio Carpi.
Der Verleger
Barmann in Israel
Jud Süß – Ein Film als Verbrechen?
Dr. Fritz Leopold
Mr. Brenner
The story of a Jewish family living in Hungary—through three generations—rising from humble beginnings to positions of wealth and power in the crumbling Austro-Hungarian Empire. The patriarch becomes a prominent judge but is torn when his government sanctions anti-Jewish persecutions. His son converts to Christianity to advance his career as a champion fencer and Olympic hero, but is caught up in the Holocaust. Finally, the grandson, after surviving war, revolution, loss and betrayal, realizes that his ultimate allegiance must be to himself and his heritage.
Stan Becker – Echte Freunde
Schalom, meine Liebe
Jacob 'Kuba'
My Mother's Courage
The deportation of 4000 Jews from Budapest to Auschwitz in July 1944, as told by George Tabori, and how the narrator's mother escaped it, owing to coincidence, courage and some help from where you'd least expect it.
Das größte Fest des Jahres
Theo Stutz
A TV special about the christmas celebrations of the most popular TV characters in the ZDF at that time.
Bronstein's Children
Gordon Kwart
Die Frosch-Intrige
Polizist Allenfeld
Eine Frau für Alfie
Robert Fehlman
Peng! Du bist tot!
Kommissar Haupt
Zieh den Stecker raus, das Wasser kocht
God Does Not Believe in Us Anymore
After his father is murdered by the Nazis in 1938, a young Viennese Jew named Ferry Tobler flees to Prague, where he joins forces with another expatriate and a sympathetic Czech relief worker. Together with other Jewish refugees, the three make their way to Paris, and, after spending time in a French prison camp, eventually escape to Marseille, from where they hope to sail to a safe port
Cassette Love
Dr. Wicki
A comedy directed by Rolf Lyssy.
The Magic Mountain
Herr Wiedemann
Hans Castorp, fresh from university and about to become a civil engineer, comes to the Sanatorium Berghof in the Swiss Alps to visit his cousin Joachim, an army officer, who is recovering there from tuberculosis. Intending to remain at the Berghof for three weeks, Hans is gradually contaminated by the morbid atmosphere pervading the place. Wishing very much to be considered a patient like the others, he achieves his ends and stays in the sanatorium for ...seven years. During this time, he has enough time to take part in the furious philosophical debates pitting against each other Settembrini, a secular humanist, and Naphta, a totalitarian Jesuit. And to fall in love with the beautiful but enigmatic Clawdia Chauchat. When he is finally discharged in 1914 - along with all the other patients - it is only to plunge into the horrors of World War I.
Polizist Fehlau
Das waren noch Zeiten - Kleine Geschichten von Kalke & Söhne
Adi Grotthaus
Wie der Mond über Feuer und Blut
Johann Christoph
Poliziotto, solitudine e rabbia
"Poliziotti solitudine e rabbia" or "Ein Mann namens Venedig" (A Man called Venice), as it was called in Germany, is an Italian-German crime drama co-production from 1979, filmed mainly in the snowy winter of bleak West-Berlin. Italian cop Nick, played by gangster movie veteran Maurizio Merli, goes to Berlin to find the head of an International European blackmailing gang who has murdered several people. He investigates undercover as a contract killer for the gangsters, but of course becomes immediately the target of his enemies and has to fight hard to save his life...
The Magician of Lublin
Pan Kuzarski
Yasha is a Jewish stage magician who tours through eastern Europe while destroying his career through personal problems. He has one more chance at theatrical success, but he needs to do a brand new trick in a Warsaw theater.
Although members of the Hitler Youth chant anti-Semitic paroles in front of his house during the Purim festival, Rabbi Singer is still profoundly convinced that Germany will stay a safe country for him, his family, and his fellow believers. But several years later, his son David is banned from going to school because he is a Jew. Shortly after, Rabbi Singer and his wife are deported. Now, young David also fears for his life. In constant fear of being detected, he tries to find a way to leave Germany.
Mulligans Rückkehr
Prometheus aus der Seitengasse
Oberst Bolagu