Erik Aaes

Birth : 1899-04-27, Nordby, Denmark

Death : 1966-03-19


Production Design
In 1890, Pontus, the starving writer, wanders the streets of Christiania, in search of love and a chance to get his work published. All he meets is defeat and suffering while his sense of reality is withering. One moment he is delighted and the next he curses everybody. All the time he manages to maintain human dignity and pride.
Production Design
Danish melodrama about a housemaid struggling to find normalcy and love in the midst of war.
Production Design
Six people of different ages and with varying mental health problems are forced to spend the night together by bad weather and react upon each other.
Production Design
A group of better-off thirty-somethings meet for a weekend in Knud and Beth's home. The host couple is prone to bickering regularly. The married couples (Jan and Ilse, and Kjeld and Tove) that are visiting understand and try to stay out of the way. Bachelor Lars, however, comes into his own and is a constant source of provocative comments.
Lykkens musikanter
Production Design
Villa Orfeus er en ejendommeligt gammelt hus, som er blevet et klenodie for kvarterets beboer. Det er et fristed, hvor husets beboer får lov til at være anderledes, at være sig selv i en fremmedgjort verden. Lydia Wiljengren (Ellen Gottschalch), der er enke efter en rig musikhandler, ejer "Villa Orfeus". Hun har efterhånden sat hele sin formue overstyr ved sin forkærlighed for musikalske mennesker. Den eneste betingelse for at bo i huset er, at de enten kan spille eller synge.
Production Design
Production Design
In the village Karrild, the Countess Sonia Hardenborg and a young unmarried woman, Marta, give birth to a daughter on the same day. Marta dies after birth, so Marta's daughter, Betina, come under the care of the countess. 17 years later, Betina and Countess Sonia's daughter, Maria, meet, as Betina is living in a home for orphaned girls, which is adjacent to the Hardenborg estate. The two girls become friends, and Maria invites Betina to visit her at Hardenborg, to greet her parents Sonia and Otto Hardenborg and her brother Count Flemming. Meanwhile, Betina's father, Frank Jensen, starts working in the estate's woods, and when the two girls come to visit him, he is shocked by the resemblance between the young countess and Betina's mother Marta.
Den sidste vinter
Production Design
Frihedens pris
Production Design
The Red Circle
Production Design
A strange, red circle appears on the neck of a man saved from the guillotine. What is its mysterious meaning? Tragically, it turns out to be something of a family curse, as each generation thereafter bears the same sign, which in turn leads to blackmail and murder.
Edgar Wallace - Der Frosch mit der Maske
Production Design
Both Scotland Yard and an amateur American sleuth are tracking a master criminal known as The Frog. This moniker refers to the bulging-eyed mask worn by the evildoer, and is reflected by the frog icons painfully tatooed onto the forearms of his henchmen. The trail leads to the country manor of an enigmatic, steely-eyed nabob, whose repressed son has eyes for the artistes at the Lolita cabaret, and whose lovely daughter captures the fancy of both the American playboy and the villain himself. Murder, kidnapping and seduction ensue.
Hidden Fear
Art Direction
A U.S. lawman busts Copenhagen counterfeiters to help his sister, falsely accused of murder.
Den kloge mand
Production Design
In the small idyllic town Randrup, lives on nature-loving and friendly thatcher Rasmus Thomsen (Oswald Helmuth). In addition to refurbish people's roofs, he runs a small "geschæft" that "The wise man". Son Ulf (Frits Helmuth), which reads the doctor's home on leave before the final exam in Copenhagen. Rasmus' big dream has always been that Ulf had to be "real doctor" and achieve what he always wanted so dearly. By thrift and income have gained through the many patients who seek Him from far and near, he has been able to afford his son's studies. His reputation as a wise man has knowledge of.
Tante Tut fra Paris
Production Design
Production Design
Ild og jord
Art Direction
Production Design
The three sons of devout Danish farmer Morten have widely disparate religious beliefs. Youngest son Anders shares his father's religion, but eldest son Mikkel has lost his faith, while middle child Johannes has become delusional and proclaims that he is Jesus Christ himself. When Mikkel's wife, Inger goes into a difficult childbirth, everyone's beliefs are put to the test.
Et eventyr om tre
Production Design
Art Direction
Production Design
For frihed og ret
Production Design
Kristinus Bergman
Production Design
Danish noir crime drama with a poetic nerve. Two boys, Kristinus and Jakob (Rode and Neergaard) experienced a loveless and abusive childhood. Now as grown-ups, they are acting outside the law.
Letter from the Dead
Art Direction
The Invisible Army
Production Design
Sabotage of a Nazi factory is carried out by the husband of the lover of a resistance leader.
Familien Gelinde
Art Direction
Day of Wrath
Art Direction
In a Danish village in the early 1600s, a young woman named Anne, whose mother was thought to be a witch, develops sympathy toward an old woman, Marte, who is accused of witchcraft. The intervention of Anne's older but kindly husband, Pastor Absalon saved her mother -- but now, urged on by his overbearing mother, he refuses to help Marte. When Absalon's son returns home and is attracted to Anne, it's a matter of time before her family destiny catches up with her.
As You Want Me
Production Design
A woman wants to teach her unfaithful husband a lesson for his constant stepping out. However, she might fall into her own trap when she falls in love with an attractive pianist.
My Dear Wives
Art Direction
The celebrated actor George Bergmann has four divorces behind him. When his four former wives get the impression that he is cozying up to a very young actress, they feel that they must take action. However, this leads to various misunderstandings and complications, which partly involves the former wives' new men and partly the young girl's strict parents.
Naar Bønder elsker
Production Design
Vi kunde ha' det saa rart
Production Design
Ta' briller paa
Production Design
Regnen holdt op
Production Design
Tak fordi du kom, Nick
Production Design
Production Design
Den gamle præst
Art Direction
The Sad Sack
Production Design
The tale of a rich, flaky poet and his servant who both join the army and wind up in the same barracks.
The Little Match Girl
Art Direction
An impoverished girl tries to sell matches on NYE. Shivering with cold and unable to sell her wares, she sits in a sheltered nook. Striking a match to keep warm, she sees things in the flame.
Art Direction
Paris 1883. Yvette is the daughter of a courtesan who serves men of wealth and status. She is unaware of how her mother makes money and why they are always in the presence of princes, dukes and barons. Only when Yvette goes away on a holiday she realizes that the Banker Saval is engaging her mother in such activities, she suddenly feels dirty.
Sea Fever
Art Direction
The ill-fated romance of a brow-beaten seaport slum café waitress and a young man with a possessive mother, who dreams of going out to sea.
The Late Mathias Pascal
Art Direction
Mathias Pascal, only son of a once-rich family, marries beautiful Romalinda, who has a terrible mother-in-law. She controls her daughter, and soon his home life becomes a nightmare. His only moments of lights are his mother and baby, but both die on the same day. Shocked, he leaves his hometown and goes to Monte Carlo, where he wins a fortune at the casino. Returning home, he reads his own obituary in a paper. They have found a corpse in a creek and connected it with his disappearance. Mathias, noticing that he is now free from all ties to his old life, decides to start a new one.