Irène Jouannet


En ce temps-là, l'amour...
L'année de mes sept ans
My name is Hélène and 1952 was not an easy year for me. First, because my parents decided to leave Montpellier for Paris but without taking me and my big brother Michel along with them. Why, I don't know... The fact remains that I had to leave the south for Lille, in the North, where my grandmother Yaya (her true name is Alice but this is the way call her) and my grandfather Georges were living. What I disliked most was that Yaya had a preference for Michel and that Granddaddy was too grumpy. In Lille I also got very upset when pupils at the catholic school I attended told me I was... Jewish. Jewish? I didn't even know that Jews even existed. And when I knew better about them (Michel was more informed than I was), what a shock it was when I learned that my two other grandparents had been sent to a concentration during the war. A little too much for a little girl like me. A sure thing is that I will never forget the year 1952, the year when I was seven...
L'année de mes sept ans
My name is Hélène and 1952 was not an easy year for me. First, because my parents decided to leave Montpellier for Paris but without taking me and my big brother Michel along with them. Why, I don't know... The fact remains that I had to leave the south for Lille, in the North, where my grandmother Yaya (her true name is Alice but this is the way call her) and my grandfather Georges were living. What I disliked most was that Yaya had a preference for Michel and that Granddaddy was too grumpy. In Lille I also got very upset when pupils at the catholic school I attended told me I was... Jewish. Jewish? I didn't even know that Jews even existed. And when I knew better about them (Michel was more informed than I was), what a shock it was when I learned that my two other grandparents had been sent to a concentration during the war. A little too much for a little girl like me. A sure thing is that I will never forget the year 1952, the year when I was seven...
The Good Son
Teenager Luc lives with his mother Liliane and his little brother Paul in Paris, has to cope with the fact that his mother is a prostitute and practically raise his brother alone. Luc is disillusioned. One day, little Paul wants to phone his grandmother in Nord-pas-de-Calais, one thing leads to another and suddenly the whole family finds themselves in a holiday in northern France. For Liliane it means a reunion with her mother, for Luc and Paul the reunion with their grandmother. And then someday on the beach Luc gets to know Manuel who teaches him lessons in love, life, fun, teenagerhood and friendship.
Dormez, je le veux!
Cora is a teenager and has a lot of problems (mostly because of the relationship with her parents). One day she meets Katz, a hypnotizer who makes shows in the whole country, and his assistant Pedro. Then she manages to convince Katz to bring her with him in order to teach her his job. Thus Cora leaves her home without saying any word to her parents and begins a long trip through France with a very tumultuous relationship with Katz and Pedro.
Dormez, je le veux!
Cora is a teenager and has a lot of problems (mostly because of the relationship with her parents). One day she meets Katz, a hypnotizer who makes shows in the whole country, and his assistant Pedro. Then she manages to convince Katz to bring her with him in order to teach her his job. Thus Cora leaves her home without saying any word to her parents and begins a long trip through France with a very tumultuous relationship with Katz and Pedro.
Pursued by the police, a man take refuge using menace in the appartment of a woman. Strangely, she didn't denounce him when she got the opportunity. Puzzled, he try to understand her secrets.