Boris Chirkov

Boris Chirkov

Birth : 1901-07-31, Lozovaya-Pavlovka, Slavyanoserbsk uyezd, Yekaterinoslav Governorate, Russian Empire [now Brianka, Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine]

Death : 1982-05-28


Boris Chirkov


Little Filip
текст читает
The Strogovs
In the Siberian taiga village of Wolf's Burrows, the Strogov family lives — Matvey with his wife Anna and his parents. Through the fate of this peasant family, a picture of the life of the Siberian region during major historical events — the Russo-Japanese War, the 1905 Revolution, the October Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War is outlined.
The hero of the film is an ordinary driver of a Moscow taxi, a kind and decent man. Each new working day promises him new meetings, acquaintances — sometimes joyful and pleasant, and sometimes demanding from him severe determination and courage.
There Were Three Bachelors
A funny story about three best friends - young scientists who swear to not get married and concentrate only on science.
По собственному желанию
Our Friend Maxim
The film Our Friend Maxim is devoted to the life and work of actor and National Artist of the USSR Boris Petrovich Chirkov. This film includes excerpts from his Maxim trilogy, and significant focus is placed on Chirkov’s role as a pedagogue and mentor to young actors.
Izhora Battalion
The film is about the fate of the soldiers of the Izhora battalion. Formed from the factory’s workers, the battalion took part in decisive battles against the regular units of the Nazi army and ended its heroic journey on the coast of the Baltic Sea.
Bonivur's Heart
A young Komsomol member Vitaly Bonivur is fighting for Soviet power in the Far East and Primorye. Red underground workers are not the first day want to arrange an escape of their fellow prisoners. And the brave Bonivur takes part in the organization of the getaway, but for counterintelligence he remains elusive. Vitaly Bonivur's aspiration for justice, heroism and determination — courage and bravery of a young man who fights for a bright future.
Seven Old Men and One Girl
Lara Velichko is a young coach who's dreaming about coaching world champions but suddenly she's forced to train a group of a very grumpy old men.
Rebellious Outpost
Первый посетитель
dyadya Fedya
An Extraordinary Assignment
Police spy
The second film of the trilogy about Armenian Bolshevik revolutionery Simon Ter-Petrosyan (1882-1922) known as Kamo.
Музыканты одного полка
We Are Taking All The Fire
Mini-series set in times of WW II about Soviet underground fighters led by brave Anna Morozova. They are establishing connection with Polish people who work on German airfield. And even small victories cost a lot sometimes.
The Blue Cup
Young family is spending vacations in the summer house.
The Island of Miracles
Cain the XVIII-th
Lavatory Worker
A fairytale about homeless musician and his love for the princess.
The Alive and the Dead
A Russian war correspondent is drafted into the war and finds himself in the middle of battle. When he loses his party card, however, he is treated as a deserter until he finds help from a kind man. This Soviet war feature was considerably outspoken for the time as it addressed issues such as anti-Stalinism, Siberia and the inhumanity of war. Adapting his screenplay from a book by Constantin Simonov, Alexandre Stolper was responsible for writing as well as directing.
Short Stories
A Sinful Angel
Fourteen-year-old Vera Telegina sees the sea, which she had dreamed of since childhood. She is here only because her parents were repressed and she is left alone. The police chief Stavridi, having learned about the girl's misfortune, places her in a boarding school. Vera has to go through a lot. But with the concernment of new friends and sympathy of adults Vera survives until the spring of 1953, when the long-awaited telegram from her parents arrives.
A Trip Without a Load
granddad at the airfield
Based on the story of the same name by Sergei Antonov. The young journalist of the central newspaper Sirotkin came to the Siberian timber industry to write an essay about the glorious driver Khromov. But soon Sirotkin’s inquiring mind calculated the trick of Khromov, who, noting one kilometer in the vouchers, traveled a short route he knew only, draining the remaining gasoline from the curbside. Having revealed yet another fraud, in which the director was also involved, Sirotkin realized that he would not write an essay, but that he would be lucky with materials for the trial. This was announced by the authorities of the timber industry. Khromov himself took the journalist on the return trip...
Мечты сбываются
The Lost Photography
A young boy from Prague is trying to find a Soviet soldier from the old 1945 picture.
My Dear Fellow
Military doctor Vladimir Ustimenko is a man of duty and honor, committed to the cause he serves, and one single love that he carries through his whole life: Varvara Stepanova is a whimsical girl who dreamed of becoming a great actress but eventually became a geologist. The war will cruelly interfere in the fate of the heroes and confuse their relationship even more.
За власть Советов
People of Dimitrovgrad
The construction of the first socialist town in Bulgaria - Dimitrovgrad.
Miraculous Well
tekst ot avtora
Once upon a time there were two stepsisters. One girl dropped a bucket into a deep wonderful well, and she had to go down into the well for the bucket, to the kingdom of Santa Claus.
Сказка о попе и о работнике его Балде
True Friends
Story about 3 childhood friends who found each other later in life and decided to rafting on one of the Moscovian rivers.
The Frog Princess
Tsar (voice)
A prince discovers an enchanted beauty turned into a frog by Koschei the Immortal. After Koschei steals her again, the prince goes on a dangerous quest to free the land of the evil.
The Parasite
After a long absence from St. Petersburg, a young landowner Yeletskaya comes to her estate with her husband.
A cute doggy with gypsy soul found temporary work in a creative environment.
Dream of a Cossack
Soviet filmmaker Yuri Raisman once more combines political dogma with solid entertainment values in Dream of a Cossack (aka Cavalier of the Golden Star). The title character, played by future director Sergei Bondarchuk (and billed for obscure reasons as Semyon Bondarchuk), is an ex-soldier who returns home to the Kuban region, there to take up life as a farmer. Instead, he galvanizes the local citizenry into participating in a massive construction project, which will result in a new power station and canal. Thus does Raisman offer an prime example of Russian collectivism while making it seem as though it had sprung from individual initiative. Dream of a Cossack is based on a popular novel by S. Babayefsky.
Чудо мельница
старик (voice)
The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish
The tale about an old, henpecked man whose new friend fulfills all desires of his wife.
Tri vstrechi
Nikanor Samoseev
Sud chesti
The Great Glinka
Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka
Ivan Nikulin: Russian Sailor
Zakhar Fomichyov
The story takes place in Summer 1942, when a small force of Black Sea Fleet sailors was surrounded by German troops but broke out the encirclement.
A biopic about Prince Kutuzov, the defeater of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Guerrillas in the steppes of Ukraine
The film tells about the heroic struggle of Ukrainian farmers-partisans with nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic war.
начальник разведки фронта Удивительный
Aleksandr Parkhomenko
About the life and heroic death of the old Bolshevik-Lugansk resident, participant in the civil war, Aleksandr Yakovlevich Parkhomenko. In 1918, capturing Ukraine, the German occupiers sought to use the Haidamaks, the White Guards and the Greens in their struggle. By order of Voroshilov, Aleksandr Parkhomenko from Lugansk arrives in Tsaritsyn. At the same time, the Germans launched an active offensive. The "red" battalions are poorly armed, however, Parkhomenko manages to raise them to the attack and put the enemy to flight.
Antosha Rybkin
Before the attack on the village, captured by the Nazis, the commander decides to carry out a distraction — a concert of the front-line brigade of artists. Chef Antosha Rybkin is assigned to play the role of... a German corporal. Dressed in an enemy uniform, he gets to the rear of the enemy and helps his liberate the village.
Боевой киносборник № 3
The New Teacher
A young teacher comes to work in his native village, plans to build a new school. The arrival of the teacher causes confusion in the soul of the young neighbor Agrafena Shumilina.
Minin and Pozharsky
The Vyborg Side
The final part of trilogy about the life of a young factory worker, Maxim. Following the Russian Revolution, Maksim is appointed state commissar in charge of the national bank. With great efforts, he learns the complexies of the banking trade and begins to fight off sabotaging underlings. Dymba, now a violent enemy of the Republic, tries to rob a wine store but is arrested with Maksim's help. Maksim also exposes a conspiracy of a group of tsarist officers who prepare an attempt against Lenin. He then joins the Red Army in its fight against the German occupation.
Волочаевские дни
хитрый старик
The Man with the Gun
The story of the Bolshevik revolution through the eyes of a peasant who, as a soldier, gets caught up in the proceedings under the tutelage of Lenin.
The Return of Maxim
The second part of trilogy about the life of a young factory worker, Maxim. In July 1914, the Bolsheviks and Mensehviks compete for representation of the working-class in the Duma. Maksim, who just returned from exile, calls the workers to strike as a protest against the firing of six of their colleagues. The traitor Platon Dymba assaults Maksim, wounding him severely. When the strike unfolds the workers demonstrate by the thousands, the news of the outbreak of World War I suddenly arrives. Maksim gets drafted.
Helen and Grapes
The second part of pretending schoolgirl's adventures, wine's prenatal stage and two scarecrows running on Sommera street.
The Girlfriends
Girlfriends Zoya, Natasha and Asya live in Petrograd. Before the Civil War, young heroines are aware of the social injustice of life. When the war begins, the girls are recorded by the orderlies of the working group to protect the Bolshevik Petrograd from the advance of the whites.
The Youth of Maxim
A 1935 USA trade-paper reviewer called it... "an impressive and technically outstanding historical drama dealing with czarist terrorism and revolutionary boiling in the days of 1907. Picture is one of the Soviet prize winners and has particular merits in realistic performance, photography and movement, plus some musical touches in way of folk songs." Written by Les Adams
This film is based on the book about Vasili Ivanovich Chapaev (1887 - 1919) who was in real life the Commander of the 25th Division of the Red Army. Chapaev is an uneducated peasant and a decorated hero in the World War I and later in the Russian Civil War, that followed the Russian revolution. This man of action is fighting on the side of the poor people. His troops consist of peasants, just like him. Unable to write, he can brilliantly demonstrate various battle tactics by moving potatoes on the table. He is street smart. He never lost a battle against the experienced Generals of the Tzar's Army.
Man Talking on the Phone
A young teacher is sent to a remote province, separating her from her lover, and sets about the difficult task of building a school there.
My Son
A man discovers that he's not the father of his wife's baby.