Alban Ivanov

Alban Ivanov

Birth : 1984-09-10, Narbonne, Aude, France


Alban Ivanov


La traversée
Community workers, Alex and Stéphanie take five teen dropouts on an educational journey across the Mediterranean. But their skipper happens to be an ex cop with a powerful hatred for youths from the hood.
Les Folies fermières
David, a young farmer from Cantal, has just had an idea: to save his farm from bankruptcy, he is going to set up a cabaret on the farm. The show will be on stage and on the plate, with good local products. He is sure, it can only work. His relatives, his mother and especially his grandfather, are more skeptical.
The Imaginary Doctor
Alex 'DJ Wethu'
Alex, aka DJ Wethu, is a star of the night world. On the verge of burnout, he plays concerts all over the world... Until the day when, in the middle of a festival in Morocco, Alex takes a bad fall and falls off the stage. Immobilized on the spot during his convalescence, he is placed under the vigilance of Abdel, who dreams of becoming an assistant nurse. The problem is that he is not quite! An unexpected encounter, to say the least...
Père de Walid
SEGPAs are fired from their establishment. To their surprise, they joined the prestigious Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Principal, reluctant to see his school's reputation deteriorate, imagines a ploy to fire SEGPA while retaining aid.
Les Gagnants
Two winners of a contest will spend a week in Marseille with their idol, filmed live on social media. Problem: the two winners are trouble.
One Night in Paris
Mixing sketches with rapid-fire sets, this special brings together top comedians from France's stand-up scene as they explore life during the pandemic.
Premiers pas, mon premier gala télé
Calvi Comedy Festival
Patrick & Sebastien Vs The Fake News
Guy Jordan
After stealing a gaming console from migrants, Sébastien tries to sell it to Patrick, a good guy. So far, nothing too serious. But when a rapper straight out of jail, a TV host willing to do anything to go viral and click traffickers get involved... Sébastien and Patrick become France’s most wanted bad guys.
The Last Mercenary
Alexandre Lazare
A legendary secret service agent comes out of hiding and returns to France to help the son he's never met get out of trouble.
Le Show de Noël Must Go On
Hosted by French comedian Manu Payet, here to cheer you up for Christmas in such hard times.
Willy and Tony have a brilliant idea for getting out of it financially: stealing a dog from the brigade des stups. But everything does not go as planned and the two accomplices will have to rely on the most corrupt of the cops.
Une belle équipe
The women in a small rural town join forces to form a football club in order to save the funding for their city's field.
Montreux Comedy Festival 2019 - Le Gala de Papel
Self - Host
The Specials
For twenty years, Bruno and Malik have lived in a different world—the world of autistic children and teens. In charge of two separate nonprofit organizations (The Hatch & The Shelter), they train young people from underprivileged areas to be caregivers for extreme cases that have been refused by all other institutions. It’s an exceptional partnership, outside of traditional settings, for some quite extraordinary characters.
A Very Bad Friend
Mika, a little crook, took a quick tour of the prison, where he got to know "Putin", a crazy and unpredictable detainee. As soon as his sentence has been served, he decides to start from scratch and start his life over again. As he prepares to marry the daughter of a wealthy businessman, his past catches up with him: Putin arrives without warning! Mika will quickly realize that we do not easily get rid of such a ball ...
School Life
The daily life of a school located in Saint Denis.
For Goran and his team of amateur shooters, the plan was almost perfect: to enter a hypermarket at night to rob a jeweler. But these "broken arms" had not anticipated the arrival of a vigil like no other: Walter, a former African warlord who will send them to hell .
Best Intentions
A 50-year-old who is over-invested in humanitarian work is competing in the social center where she works. She will then embark her students in literacy class, with the help of a pretty foolish monitor, on the dangerous road of the code of the road.
Sink or Swim
40-year-old Bertrand has been suffering from depression for the last two years and is barely able to keep his head above water. Despite the medication he gulps down all day, every day, and his wife's encouragement, he is unable to find any meaning in his life. Curiously, he will end up finding this sense of purpose at the swimming pool, by joining an all-male synchronised swimming team.
Alban Ivanov - Élément perturbateur
Alban Ivanov brings to life many sometimes infrequent characters. The artist also talks about his childhood, between difficult schooling and a shattered family, his fatherhood and his married life. And Alban Ivanov doesn't hesitate to say all the good things he thinks about Paris .
C'est la vie!
Max is a battle-weary veteran of the wedding-planning racket. His latest — and last — gig is a hell of a fête, involving stuffy period costumes for the caterers, a vain, hyper- sensitive singer who thinks he's a Gallic James Brown, and a morose, micromanaging groom determined to make Max's night as miserable as possible. But what makes the affair too bitter to endure is that Max's colleague and ostensible girlfriend, Joisette, seems to have written him off, coolly going about her professional duties while openly flirting with a much younger server. It's going to be a very long night… especially once the groom's aerial serenade gets underway.
Humoristes engagés : juste pour rire !
Jamel et ses Amis au Marrakech du Rire 2017
Le sketch le plus long du monde 2
After a serious sport accident in a swimming pool, Ben, now an incomplete quadriplegic, arrives in a rehabilitation center. He meets with other handicapped persons (tetraplegics, paraplegics, traumatized crania), all victims of accidents, as well as a handicapped since his early childhood. They go through impotence, despair and resignation, with their daily struggle to learn how to move a finger or to hold a fork. Some of them slowly find a little mobility while others receive the verdict of the handicap for life. Despite everything, hope and friendship help them endure their difficulties.
Les duos impossibles de Jérémy Ferrari : 3ème édition
Jamel et ses Amis au Marrakech du Rire 2016
Coluche : le bouffon devenu roi
Jamel et ses Amis au Marrakech du Rire 2015
Les duos impossibles de Jérémy Ferrari : 1ère édition
Rémi Gaillard is the real character of the World network, troll, provocateur, one of the biggest-selling comic actor in Europe. One and a half milliards of viewing and millions of fans. A day came, and he decided to steady down: got married, settled down on work on a parking place, promised a pregnant wife, that also «goes away to the decree» and gives up the pranks. But how to deafen talent and disorderly conduct of fantasy?. Fans can not assume his care. Gaillard returns.
Darling Trap
John Nelson
Clémence is pathologically jealous. Gabriel has asked her to marry him. To test whether he is faithful, unbeknownst to him she arranges that he crosses paths with beautiful Olivia...
L'art d'être rigolo en 10 leçons
Montreux Comedy Festival - Gala de clôture 2013
Montreux Comedy Festival - Best Of - 2013
Jeune 1
Farid, a young 26-year-old Frenchman, must travel to Algeria to save his father's house. While discovering this country in which he had never before set foot, he succumbs to the charms of a host of astonishing characters whose humour and simplicity affect him deeply. Amongst these is his cousin, a bright and lively young man who has the dream of one day going to France...
Seja O Que For
Montreux Comedy Festival - Bref on Fait Un Gala
Les Tribulations d'une caissière
Thomas Actu Magazine
La vie n’est pas rose tous les jours pour Solweig, caissière dans un supermarché. Mais elle garde le sourire, malgré les remarques souvent déplaisantes des clients et un chef teigneux. Peut-être grâce au blog qu’elle tient en secret, où elle s’épanche avec humour sur son quotidien difficile… Un soir, sous la neige, son destin croise celui de Charles. Le jeune homme tombe aussitôt amoureux d’elle, sans se douter qu’ils ne sont pas du même monde. Mais si un simple blog peut changer le sort de milliers de caissières, n’est-il pas permis de croire aux contes de fées ?
Les Mythos
Au bistro du coin
Le conducteur énervé