Roberto Hernández


El Transfer
An individual who lives the stereotypical Puerto Rican picture, is transferred for work in Paris. With a traveler's manual in hand, he adapts to the ambient future, realizing his solitary lifestyle. Perhaps, in this transfer, he will not travel alone.
Presumed Guilty
Two young Mexican attorneys attempt to exonerate a wrongly convicted man by making a documentary. In the process, they expose the contradictions of a judicial system that presumes suspects guilty until proven innocent.
Manolito Four Eyes
The usually absent father of a chubby kid shows up to take him on a road trip.
La primera noche de mi vida
The story is about a couple that sets out for a dinner party on the millennium eve. The woman is pregnant, the guy has no money and no car and has borrowed one from a friend of his. The car of course is not exactly top class and crashes down after few miles. And that's where the film really starts. The couple start fighting and trying to find a way to the parents' house before midnight, hitchhiking on the way and getting into several cars and get themselves involved in the funniest situations.
El fantástico mundo de los hippies
The head of the FBI explains that hippies were good, but that they have degenerated due to psychedelic painting, drugs, and becoming addicted to free love. Secret Agent Frank investigates Sandy, whose daughter has disappeared, apparently because of hippies.
War of the Colossal Beast
Glenn Manning, "The Amazing Colossal Man," believed dead after falling from the Hoover Dam, reemerges in rural Mexico, brain damaged, disfigured, and very angry.