As a result of a chain of tragic accidents on a distant planet, the cosmonaut Chapayev is left alone. His life is in constant danger. Something inexplicable, which he came into contact with, will forever change his life. From now on, he will be lost not only for himself but for the people of earth as well. And he have to die many times in order to prove that he is alive.
The film has two story-lines or "realities". The main characters are lovers, Maria and Vasin who discover they have access to an alternate reality wherein missed opportunities have become realities. In the film's first act, subtitled "The Pilot", Maria finds that she is in love with Vasin again after rejecting his marriage proposal twenty years earlier, when he was a lieutenant in the Russian Air Force. Vasin also lives a life of regrets, and wishes he was able to pursue his unfulfilled dream of becoming a film director. In the second act, "A Film Director", Maria is transported into a different reality. In this reality, she marries Vasin, and he becomes a film director. The plot questions whether they are truly happy with each other, despite having their wishes granted.
In this movie we follow fate not a person but car: first Soviet Lada. It starts with Brezhnev daughter and then gradually moves on parallel to last years of USSR into wild after-perestroika years with bandits and newly born oligarchs.
In order to justify himself to the bigwigs of the criminal world, a young "gentleman of street luck", a former orphanage April is forced to take from the "godfather" of the mafia order to eliminate the two individuals who allegedly framed him. At the same time, one of the "targets" of April — confused in his relationship with crime businessman Vova — and he must save his life by agreeing to a very dangerous and questionable case. Naturally at one point their way — the roads intersect, but at the wrong time and in the most unexpected place. In just one night, the film's characters are trying to solve their problems, find the truth and, perhaps, pay a high price for it…