James Gallanders

James Gallanders

Birth : 1970-02-09, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada


James Gallanders


Left for Dead: The Ashley Reeves Story
Mike Reeves
17-year-old Ashley Reeves is left for dead in the woods following a brutal attack. After spending 30 horrific hours in the cold, gravely wounded, lying in the dirt, and paralyzed, the police find her alive.
Project Ithaca
John Brighton
Five strangers awaken to find themselves trapped aboard an alien spaceship that seems to be harnessing their terror to power the ship. They begin to understand that these species have been abducting humans for decades and possibly centuries.
Homekilling Queen
Rob Manning
Whitney Manning, gorgeous, entitled and deranged daughter of wealthy and equally disturbed Connie, is determined to become homecoming queen and absolutely nothing will stand in her way.
Mommy's Little Girl
Aaron Myers
The story of a dangerous little girl who is reunited with her natural mother after living with her controlling grandparents in a rural farmhouse in seclusion.
Hidden Crimes
Max Carver
After her brother is attacked in jail and stays in a coma, Julia has to face her nephew's kidnappers, while trying to figure out what her brother meant with his last letter.
A Teacher's Crime
Dean Ryans
Carrie is an attractive high school history teacher who one day decides to help a troubled student, taking an special interest for him, unaware of the ruthless and perverse scheme masterminded for her.
Charlie & Me
When her beloved grandfather Charlie suddenly falls ill, twelve year-old Casey finds herself making some life or death decisions—and learning to live with the consequences.
Shake Hands With the Devil
Major Brent Beardsley
Canadian Lt. General Romeo Dallaire was the military commander of the UN mission in Rwanda and this movie is personal and, all too true, story of his time there during the genocide of 1994. It is not quite as moving as the earlier Hotel Rwanda and is less geared to drama and emotional manipulation, but it is still grim and upsetting.
Captain Ben Halberstom
A massive asteroid impact on the moon begins causing storms on earth due to the sudden changes in ocean tides. But when further examination is conducted it's discovered that the moon's structure is now entirely unstable -- threatening all life on earth. With time running out, a team of scientists turn to one man, demolitions expert John Redding, in effort to find a solution and secure the moon.
Plague City: SARS in Toronto
The once clean and healthy city of Toronto becomes the pariah of the western world when a deadly chain of infection lands in the city. Panic spreads as the number of SARS cases increases as there are no effective treatments.
The Skulls II
Greg Sommers
After joining the Skulls, Ryan Sommers (Robin Dunne) is warned not to betray any secrets about the organization or its high-powered members. However, when Ryan witnesses a murder within the Skulls' private chambers, he finds that the closer he gets to revealing the truth - the more dangerous life becomes.
Prisoner of Love
Supermodel Naomi Campbell sizzles in this suspense-charged erotic thriller that delves into the dark world of obsession, seduction and crime. When a small time hood makes a hit, beautiful Tracy becomes his unwitting witness... and the object of his desire! His boss orders her dead, but he realizes the only chance to save her life is to abduct her and go into hiding. But will his world close in? Or will she slowly succumb to his burning desire? The suspense will hold you captive.
The Third Miracle
Brother Gregory
The Vatican sends a priest to verify some miracles, performed by a woman who has been nominated for sainthood...
Bride of Chucky
Chucky hooks up with another murderous doll, the bridal gown-clad Tiffany, for a Route 66 murder spree with their unwitting hosts.
A 13 year old with an over-sexed mother starts an affair with her mother's live-in boy friend.
Murder at 1600
Law Student
A secretary is found dead in a White House bathroom during an international crisis, and Detective Harlan Regis is in charge of the investigation. Despite resistance from the Secret Service, Regis partners with agent Nina Chance. As political tensions rise, they learn that the crime could be part of an elaborate cover-up. Framed as traitors, the pair, plus Regis' partner, break into the White House in order to expose the true culprit.
Reluctant Angel
Jason is a small-time criminal and con artist. His misdemeanours range from petty scams to outright robberies. He is also manipulative and domineering. But his girlfriend Cheryl is so desperate to become a recognized artist that she willingly assists in his rackets. The big carrot that Jason dangles in front of her is a gallery showing of her art. One evening, while fleeing the scene of a variety store robbery, Cheryl mistakenly thinks she has slammed the getaway car into Donald, a drunken philosopher. Cheryl thinks she's almost killed him, but Donald, who has a penchant for inept suicide attempts, believes she has saved his life and could be his guardian angel. Their lives become inextricably linked.