Gisele Fróes

Gisele Fróes

Birth : 1964-09-03, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Gisele Fróes


Lima Barreto ao Terceiro Dia
Three Summers
Over a trio of summers, a caretaker for luxury condominiums relies on her resourcefulness and her eye for opportunity to take advantage of whatever comes her way.
Rúcula com Tomate Seco
Santos's wife / Esposa de Santos
Set in Brazil, three kids who make a discovery in a garbage dump soon find themselves running from the cops and trying to right a terrible wrong.
The Boy in the Mirror
What child has never dreamed of having a double, someone who would do all of the annoying things in his place? Seeing his reflection get out of the mirror into the real world, this dream comes true for the fearless boy Fernando. Odnanref, his double, presents himself as a solution to all his problems. Adaptation of a successful Brazilian novel written by Fernando Sabino.
Good Luck
After several behavior problems, teenager John is admitted to a psychiatric clinic by his family. There he meets Judith, for who he soon falls in love. The problem is that she does not have long to live and they know it. This shall not prevent the emergence of a great romance in the clinic.
Mais Uma História
Gabriel, with only 17 years old, lives this particular universe: anxiously awaits an answer. While life stays violent on the outside, days, hours and minutes of the storm seems paused inside the room 516 of a hospital. He's waiting the result of a test that can change his life.
A human look on the life of one of the biggest frauds in the world happened by important people in Brazil.
What's the importance of luck in life? How much effort and talent is enough to guarantee a solid carrier? Is luck part of the craft? Bianca is an excellent actor but theater doesn't pay the bills yet. In order to make a living, she impersonates movie divas and promotes events. Bianca auditions for a big international production and gets the part. The director of the film, inspired by her work, changes the character he wrote into a version of Bianca. Is this the chance of a lifetime?