Vasiliy Shukshin

Vasiliy Shukshin

Birth : 1929-07-25, Srostki, Biysky District, the Siberian Territory, the RSFSR, the USSR

Death : 1974-10-02


Vasily Makarovich Shukshin (Russian: Василий Макарович Шукшин; 25 July 1929 – 2 October 1974) was a Soviet Russian writer, actor, screenwriter and film director from the Altay region who specialized in rural themes.


Vasiliy Shukshin


The Boots
What must happen to look differently at the usual family life? The story about an Altai man was written by Vasily Shukshin in the 70s of the last century, but why shouldn't it happen in our days in Georgia.
A Will to Live
A story about a few men and the autumn of their lives...
And in the Morning They Woke Up
Eight men, eight stories about the morning after party...
Shukshinskiye rasskazy
Энергичные люди
Holy Moly!
Yevgeny Yevstigneyev, Georgy Burkov, Leonid Yarmolnik, Galina Polskikh in a sad comedy by Sergey Nikonenko based on Vasily Shukshin’s short stories “Touches on the Portrait”, “The Stubborn One”, “The Strong Go Further”. Nikolai Knyazev works in a TV repair shop. God has blessed him with golden hands and heart, yet the majority of his fellow-town folk think he’s a bit nutty. And for a good reason: he’s constructing a perpetual motion machine, for years has been writing a philosophical treatise, dreaming of world fame and looking down on the other inhabitants of this sinful earth. But no matter how hard he is looking, he can’t see where his happiness (that is, post-office employee Lyuba) lies…
The In-Laws
Childhood Holidays
The film is based on the early autobiographical stories of Vasily Makarovich Shukshin. A bright, emotionally rich movie about the childhood of a boy from a distant Altai village, about his family — his sister and mother, about work, holidays, joys and troubles of ordinary Russian peasants during the Great Patriotic War...
Други игрищ и забав
Завьяловские чудики
Call Me from Afar
Grusha's (Lidiya Fedoseyeva-Shukshina) husband has left her and she is now a single parent to her adolescent son Vitya (Vladimir Naumenko). Her brother Nikolay (Mikhail Ulyanov) is determined to hook her up with his friend Vladimir (the film's co-director Stanislav Lyubshin). For Grusha and Vladimir to have privacy to build up their relationship, Nikolay decides his nephew Vitya needs to stay out of the way, so he urges Vitya to come live with his family for a while. However, Grusha's not so sure about the arrangement. Based on a play by Vasiliy Shukshin.
В профиль и анфас
I Wish to Speak
Фёдор, местный драматург
The mayor of a village sees her son killed in a gun accident. A successful, dedicated bureuacrat, she must reconcile her desire to build a bridge - and the new housing that will come with it - with the reality of resistance from the townspeople and her own grief.
Шире шаг, маэстро!
One day in the life of doctor.
They Fought for Their Motherland
Piotr Lopakhin
In July 1942, in the Second World War, the rearguard of the Russian army protects the bridgehead of the Don River against the German army while the retreating Russian troops cross the bridge. While they move back to the Russian territory through the countryside, the soldiers show their companionship, sentiments, fears and heroism to defend their motherland.
Ivan Gromov receives a telegram about his father's imminent death. He returns to his hometown in the country after many years away in the big city. However, he misses the funeral, arriving instead at his empty childhood home. He meets with his brother Semyon and his brother's longtime neighbor and love interest, Valentina, who won't return the latter's affections. A feud over Valentina ensues.
If You Want To Be Happy
Andrei and Tanya love each other, which is why frequent partings are so difficult for them: Andrei is a test pilot, and Tanya works on television, and both are constantly on business trips. They have two sons — twins. For eight years of marriage, they cannot count a total of three when they were together. And yet they are happy...
The Red Snowball Tree
A thief named Egor, having served a term in prison, goes to the country to meet his pen-friend Lyuba, a kind genial village woman. Egor comes to love Lyuba sincerely. Now he has friends, work and a beloved woman, he decides to break with his criminal past and start a new life. However, his former criminal associates interfere brutally.
The Red Snowball Tree
A thief named Egor, having served a term in prison, goes to the country to meet his pen-friend Lyuba, a kind genial village woman. Egor comes to love Lyuba sincerely. Now he has friends, work and a beloved woman, he decides to break with his criminal past and start a new life. However, his former criminal associates interfere brutally.
The Red Snowball Tree
A thief named Egor, having served a term in prison, goes to the country to meet his pen-friend Lyuba, a kind genial village woman. Egor comes to love Lyuba sincerely. Now he has friends, work and a beloved woman, he decides to break with his criminal past and start a new life. However, his former criminal associates interfere brutally.
The Red Snowball Tree
A thief named Egor, having served a term in prison, goes to the country to meet his pen-friend Lyuba, a kind genial village woman. Egor comes to love Lyuba sincerely. Now he has friends, work and a beloved woman, he decides to break with his criminal past and start a new life. However, his former criminal associates interfere brutally.
Ivan Rastorguyev
A sadly humorous story about a Siberian tractor driver, Ivan Rastorguyev, traveling with his wife to a Black Sea resort, and about their first visit to Moscow.
A sadly humorous story about a Siberian tractor driver, Ivan Rastorguyev, traveling with his wife to a Black Sea resort, and about their first visit to Moscow.
A sadly humorous story about a Siberian tractor driver, Ivan Rastorguyev, traveling with his wife to a Black Sea resort, and about their first visit to Moscow.
The End of the Lyubavines
Based on the novel by Vasiliy Shukshin "The Lyubavines". In the winter of 1922, the Rodionovs, Vasiliy Platonovich and his nephew Kuzma, came to the remote Siberian village of Baklan, disguised as teachers sent from the district center to organize and build a school. In fact, this is an old Bolshevik and a young worker, authorized by the GPU, and their main task is to find out the whereabouts of a large and very dangerous gang, led by a former Kolchak officer, who instills fear in local residents.
A Soldier Came from the Front
Liberation: Battle for Berlin
In this the fourth episode, “Battle of Berlin,” the Soviets start their assault on Berlin and Stalin negotiates with the other Allies.
Vasiliy Ulybin
A chronicle of life in a small village in the Baikal Region on the eve of World War I and at the time of the October Revolution. The age-old foundations are crumbling, the process of social stratification is underway and, as a result, some people go to defend the revolution, and others - to fight against it. The main hero is the young Cossack Roman Ulybin. At first, this carefree daredevil is preoccupied only with one problem: whether his sweetheart, Dashutka, is to marry him or a merchant’s son, Alyoshka. Roman is killing time fist-fighting with his rival. But little by little, the young man realizes that the world around him has changed, that people are fighting for equality and social justice, and, being a real Cossack, he can’t remain on the sidelines…
Lyubov Yarovaya
Roman Koshkin
Liberation: Direction of the Main Blow
Gen. Konev
This five part epic war drama gives a dramatized detailed account of Soviet Union's war against Nazi Germany during world war two. Each of the five parts represents a separate major eastern front campaign.
Liberation: The Break Through
Gen. Konev
A grandiose military film epic, which does not know analogues in world cinema: the history of the Great Patriotic War from the Battle of the Kursk Bulge to the installation of the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag - "Liberation".
Эхо далеких снегов
Strange People
A comedy based on three short novels by Vasiliy Shukshin.
Strange People
A comedy based on three short novels by Vasiliy Shukshin.
Strange People
A comedy based on three short novels by Vasiliy Shukshin.
By the Lake
Vasili Vasilievich Chernykh
The film is a reflection on the responsibility of man to other people, native nature and the world around us, the problem of preserving Lake Baikal, on the banks of which a large construction project has unfolded. The first half of the 60s of the XX century, the story of the love of young Lena Barmina to an adult respectable person, bearing on his shoulders a heavy burden of responsibility for the activities of a huge enterprise. Construction engineer Chernykh and Lena, the daughter of a scientist, are doing everything to save the lake from harmful and unjustified plums. A difficult relationship develops between them and soon Lena realizes that she is in love. But after learning that Chernykh is married, the girl leaves...
Men's Talk
Nikolay Larionov
Sasha Larionov, is in the eighth grade and still doesn't know that his mother has left the family. Sasha's father, a decent and very honest person, was used to telling people only the truth. But here he doesn't now how to tell his son that the mother left them for another man and therefore explains her long absence from a long business trip. However, soon Sasha finds out the truth and decides to go after his mom, hoping to get her back
Three Days of Viktor Chernyshyov
Mid 20th century. Industry is developing rapidly and the need for workers in factories is growing. After graduating from the tenth year, Viktor Chernyshyov, now a city dweller, did not bother to continue his education and went to the plant as a turner. He considered it quite normal that the guys enthusiastically listened to the stories of his peer Kolya, a lounger who boasted of victories over women, and participated in his dubious amusements. Only one of them, Pyotr — a real worker, a doctor, tried to reason with Kolya and the others.
The Journalist
Yevgeni Sergeyevich
A successful young journalist goes to a small industrial city in order to understand the written complaints of a certain girl. When he met the author of the letters and the girl whom she had slandered, he didn't immediately understand the complexity of the situation and the measure of responsibility to those whom he was obliged to protect...
The Commissar
The Commandant
Klavdia Vavilova, a Red Army cavalry commissar, is waylaid by an unexpected pregnancy. She stays with a Jewish family to give birth and is softened somewhat by the experience of family life.
Your Son and Brother
Short Story
Based on short stories by Vasiliy Shukshin. About the life and people of the modern Soviet village. Old Yermolai lived all his life in one village. He has four sons, each with their own problems. The youngest foolishly ended up in jail and, three months before his release, greatly missing his family, escaped.
Your Son and Brother
Based on short stories by Vasiliy Shukshin. About the life and people of the modern Soviet village. Old Yermolai lived all his life in one village. He has four sons, each with their own problems. The youngest foolishly ended up in jail and, three months before his release, greatly missing his family, escaped.
Your Son and Brother
Based on short stories by Vasiliy Shukshin. About the life and people of the modern Soviet village. Old Yermolai lived all his life in one village. He has four sons, each with their own problems. The youngest foolishly ended up in jail and, three months before his release, greatly missing his family, escaped.
What Is It, the Sea?
An adventures of a young boy in a fishermen village on a sea coast.
There Is Such a Lad
A story about Pashka, a really decent, honest guy, even though he lies a lot, who is looking for happiness and love.
There Is Such a Lad
A story about Pashka, a really decent, honest guy, even though he lies a lot, who is looking for happiness and love.
We, Two Men
The village teacher asks the driver Gorlov to take her son, a first-grader, to the city and buy him a school suit. Reluctantly yielding to the woman, the driver will make friends with the boy during the trip. He will change the attitude not only towards this boy, but also towards people in general...
Set in 1955 when many migrated from Russia to the Steppes of Kazakhstan, this is the trip back to the Canal from the frontier and farms by a number of people who tell their settler stories. Alenka Muratova (Ovodova) is a winsome 13 year old who talks Dmitry Prokovich, the chief mechanic for the Soviet, into giving up his seat in the truck to a young mother with her infant daughter. Then Alenka and Dmitry share the back of the open truck with a young woman, newly graduated dentist who has not been able to find a position, Stefan, a hitchhiker with a dog who hopes his upper-class wife will return to him and the countryside, and Vasselina Petrovolka, a woman who lost one of her twin daughters in a riding accident by the river shortly after they arrived, and now is returning to tell the other twin of her sister's fate. A warm hearted look at common folks traveling in the frontier.
When the Trees Were Tall
Chairman of the Kolkhoz
The story of a man who routinely dodges all responsibility, bemoans fate, spends his days boozing, and refuses to work. The act of playing long-lost father to a pretty teenager spurs him to turn over a new leaf.
Mishka, Seryoga and I
Three friends are bored in eighth grade but everything changes after a new teacher arrives to the class.
A Simple Story
The war was over. Like many of her female friends, Sasha Potapova was left a widow. It was hard living without a man’s shoulder to lean on, without love and affection, yet no one had ever seen her crying or despairing. For her strong character, the fellow-villagers elected her a collective farm chairwoman. The work, with its cares and worries, helped all but forget about her personal misfortune and woman’s loneliness. And then she fell in love – a bittersweet, unshared love, but happy anyway…
Из Лебяжьего сообщают
Из Лебяжьего сообщают
The Golden Echelon
Andrei Nizovtsev
1919 year. There is a civil war in Siberia. Taking advantage of the complete confusion, Admiral Kolchak wants to export part of the country's gold reserves abroad. At the very last moment the Bolsheviks find out about it. They decide to intercept the train, but do not have time to properly prepare the operation... The girl Nadya, in whom the head of the train is passionately in love, can save the situation. Several kilometers of railway tracks to the border become a battlefield between white and red.
The Two Fedors
Great Fyodor
At the end of the Second World War, Fedor is demobilized and returns home where he meets a homeless boy, small Fedor. They decide to live together. The adult works in the building trade and the boy goes to school and looks after the house. They get on very well until Natacha arrives in big Fedor's life. After marrying big Fedor, Natacha tries to win the child's love. But he remains hostile.
The Killers
Ole Andreson
The Killers is a 1956 student film by the Soviet and Russian film director Andrei Tarkovsky and his fellow students Marika Beiku and Aleksandr Gordon. The film is based on the short story "The Killers" by Ernest Hemingway, written in 1927. It was Tarkovsky's first film, produced when he was a student at the State Institute of Cinematography.