Sigrid Bonde Tusvik

Sigrid Bonde Tusvik

Birth : 1980-02-02, Nordstrand, Oslo, Norway


Sigrid Bonde Tusvik
Sigrid Bonde Tusvik
Sigrid Bonde Tusvik
Sigrid Bonde Tusvik


Christmas at Cattle Hill
Klara the Calf is excited to spend her first Christmas on Cattle Hill with her Father, but when they arrive at the farm Klara is disappointed to see he has not attempted to decorate for the holidays. When her father is unexpectedly called away for work, Klara sees it as an opportunity to make Cattle Hill a Christmas paradise with the help of the cheeky christmas elf who lives on the farm, but as Klara finds out it is about being together at Christmas which is the most important.
Cattle Hill
Kari (voice)
Klara, a young city-calf, dreams of becoming a big star. One day she receives a letter from her father, Mosk, who wants her to visit his farm. Her mom says Mosk is a rock star, but when Clara arrives, she discovers her father is only a regular apple pie farmer.
You Said What?
Glenn has been dumped by his girlfriend. He is lonely, and terribly difficult to deal with. To cheer him up, his buddies get a brilliant idea. How about organizing a fakte audtion for a non-existing feature film?