A journey begins to trace the memory of a first love, transcending the time and borders between Japan and Taiwan over a period of 18 years.
Xia Jian
Jiu Bing has been stuck in the friend zone with Bo He since he was twelve. Even though he tries everything to win her heart, he fails in crossing the line. When working as a part-time pacer, Jiu Bing meets Xia Tian. They later become internet celebrities by accident.
The only child of the rich second generation, who loves to hide in the comfort zone. His only interest is in designing women's underwear, so he has the title of "Prince Bra". His comfortable life changed someday.
Kaikai, a 17 year old high schooler, is declared brain dead after an unfortunate car accident. The doctor recommends his parents to give their consent for organ donation. Kaikai’s father thinks it is a moral decision to make since Kaikai is still young and he would be able to contribute himself one last time. But Kaikai’s mother is hesitant about this decision and is unable to make up her mind.
Hoping to make a viral video by streaming a mysterious rope ritual, a couple falls into a deadly curse instead that turns their lives upside down.
Pei Yu Yen has her whole life ahead of her. Raised in a sheltered environment by her father who is a professor, she is prim and proper and typical good student. However, her life is akin to a canary bird in a cage until the day she met Yu Hao. He is boy caught in a brawl with gangsters on the street. He is the boy who rushed into the classroom to thank her. He is the boy who stopped the bus to give her a love letter. They may be further apart than any two people in the world, but he cannot resist the urge to reach out to her to see her smile again.
Chuan Chih-Hsien
Office worker Truly Lin goes on a journey through her memories. 20 years ago, she had a crush on the most popular guy in school. Taiyu, a ruffian and a bully, is in love with the campus belle. Truly teams up with Taiyu to tear the golden couple apart and help each other to get the ones they love.
When a band of kidnappers attempts to collect a ransom for their young hostage, the boy’s family dismisses it as a prank. Stuck with a youngster to care for and on the lam, the stage is set for a dark comedy of errors. We get this and much more with delicious plot twists and a growing pile-up of fraud and double crosses.
失業二年多的吳發達謀職四處碰壁,開計程車突槌,連當小偷都失敗的被困在冰櫃裡讓警察救出來。還被房東趕出去,落得以車為家。阿達妻受不了,終於在一次夫妻衝突後拋家棄子而去。受到妻子的刺激,阿達挺而走險,戴著米老鼠面具去搶銀行,卻晚了一步碰到另二名搶匪在搶銀行,二名搶匪得手逃逸而去,阿達卻因為面具被搶匪打落而被銀行監視器拍到。 阿達逃出銀行時在門口迎面撞上因經濟風暴被資遣的電子公司高級主管余樂天。這一撞把阿達的皮匣撞落在樂天身上,樂天為了將皮匣還給阿達,跟在阿達後面追跑,而被誤會是搶匪集團的一夥。阿達因為在警局有案底,又不忍兒子阿吉啦無所依靠拒絕為樂天到警局澄清。而樂天也因潛藏回家時聽到妻兒間的對話,知道女兒對他的不諒解與怨恨而覺得心灰意冷。二人於是決定逃避通緝,帶著阿吉啦展開一場逃亡之旅。 三人一行來到南部,樂天到夜市的一家牛排攤問路,卻被老闆牛排王誤以為是朋友介紹來工作的幫工阿慶。樂天在百口莫辯的情況下被指使去作他一向拉不下面子做"粗鄙"的工作,當牛排王知道認錯人時,樂天覺得繼續逃亡下去也不是辦法,而且"粗鄙"的工作也不是想像中那麼不堪,因此拜託牛排王留用他,隱姓埋名留在牛排攤繼續跑桌。 這兩老一小的落跑三人組,租了一間老式公寓展開了它們的同居生涯。阿達在樂天的「以身作則」下了解責任的意義,也開始思考他為人父的責任,開始認真找工作。在一連串的碰壁後,阿達來到萬祥開的機車行,吳發達也就成了機車達。 牛排攤的工作讓樂天改變他的價值觀,放下他的虛榮心,讓他更加謙卑地重新認識生命的價值也更能體會快樂幸福的真諦。另一方面,因為在牛排攤工作常接觸到年輕人,樂天似乎比較能了解年輕人的生活與心態,這對因為過度投入工作而不知道如何與孩子溝通互動的樂天不啻是個意外收穫。 日子一天一天過去,這落跑三人組最終將會面對什麼樣的命運呢?他們的人生還有再次重來的機會嗎?
Xiao Ai's Father
Struggling to adjust to her new life in Taipei, introverted high school girl Miao Miao opens up after meeting outgoing classmate Xiao Ai who becomes increasingly enamoured with her new friend. Unaware of Xiao Ai's confused feelings for her, Miao Miao falls for brooding CD shop owner Chen Fei, who seems determined to block out the world with a pair of headphones.
Doze runs into many problems as he tries to secure funding for what he thinks will be the next mockumentary blockbuster.
Su Da-Chuan
After falling in love with a traffic cop, a cab driver commits as many traffic violations as he can in order to see her again.
A story of three childhood friends who grow up to live starkly different lives, and how their lives intersect - one being a cop, one a gang leader, and one a destitute gambler.