Eva Högberg


Miss and Mrs Sweden
Makeup Artist
To increase sales of the magazine Veckohatten, the management decides to invest heavily in the beauty contest Miss Sweden. A communist cell is planning to sabotage the competition, because it is sexist.
The Girls
Sparta (uncredited)
A theater company rehearses Aristophanes play "Lysistrata" in which the Athenian women revolt to force the men to suspend the war and make peace. The three leading female actresses, Liz, Marianne and Gunilla, all live in humiliating circumstances to their men.
Skrallan, Ruskprick and Gurnard
Makeup Artist
The children of Seacrow Island take a public ferry to visit a relative only to find that she has went to hospital. When they try to row back home they lose the oars and must take refuge on a desolate island. 4-year-old Skrallan is the first to discover that two colorful smugglers are hiding on the island.