Luis Soto

Luis Soto


Luis Soto


The Wedding Veil Unveiled
Emmа trаvels to Itаly to teаch аnd reseаrch а wedding veil sаid to bring its owner love. She meets Pаolo, the son of а lаce-mаking fаmily in the аreа, while she is there.
An Education
Despite her sheltered upbringing, Jenny is a teen with a bright future; she's smart, pretty, and has aspirations of attending Oxford University. When David, a charming but much older suitor, motors into her life in a shiny automobile, Jenny gets a taste of adult life that she won't soon forget.
Alien Autopsy
Peruvian TV Host
Humouristic reconstruction of the 1995 scandal when two British lads were accused of having faked a documentary from the Roswell incident in 1947.
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
Mexican Ambassador
Bridget Jones is becoming uncomfortable in her relationship with Mark Darcy. Apart from discovering that he's a conservative voter, she has to deal with a new boss, a strange contractor and the worst vacation of her life.