George Constantin

George Constantin

Birth : 1933-05-03, Bucureşti, Romania

Death : 1994-04-30


George Constantin


Ábel a rengetegben
An Unforgettable Summer
Gen. Tchilibia
In 1925 Romania, young Marie-Therese Von Debretsy refuses the flirtatious advances of her husband's commanding officer. As a result, the cosmopolitan family is reassigned to a brutally bleak and dangerous outpost on the Bulgarian/Romanian frontier where both their relationship and humanity are severely tested.
Andrei Vyshinsky
Depicts Romania during World War II, focusing on the Royal Coup that toppled Ion Antonescu, the Axis-allied Conducător and authoritarian Prime Minister. Focused around the August 23rd 1944 coup against Marshal Antonescu, the movie also tackles other topics from the same era such as the Iron Guard rebellion and the execution of political leaders by communists.
Earth's Most Beloved Son
The life-story confession of a prisoner waiting for his trial. Victor Petrini, a promising intellectual in the 1950s and a lecturer in Philosophy is arrested by the repressive secret police, wrongly accused of espionage, and sentenced to prison and forced labor.
Miss Christina
The Doctor
Christina's ghost haunts the mansion where she was born.
Getting Lucky
School nerd Bill just wants to save the world and to score a date with cheerleader babe Chrissie Schackler. Both become real possibilities when he finds an alcoholic Leprechaun in a beer bottle he was about to recycle. Wacky hijinks ensue as the leprechaun, Lepkey, messes up a few of the wishes. Can Bill fight off school jock Tony Chanuka and marry Chrissie so they can fulfill their dream of opening a clinic?
Everything is Paid
Sixth "Margelatu" movie
Cuibul de viespi
Oncle Michel
Starting Over
Drama directed by Visarion Alexa.
The Extras
After 1950, when the comunist regime is fully entrenched, some Bourgeois descendants have to make a living being movie extras. Continuation of "On the Left Bank of the Blue Danube"
Gathering Clouds
Alexandru Vardaru
Young lawyer Radu Comșa is confronted with an identity crisis as WWI starts.
Prea cald pentru luna mai
At a party, the class valedictorian gravely injures a passer by with some saucers thrown through the window. Characters are tested by what follows.
Galax Man-Doll
The story of Galax, a robotic 'man-doll', artificially created out of wood and computer circuitry, Appearing to come to life, it becomes a rival for the affections of Marie, a young student and an issue for university authorities.
On the Left Bank of the Blue Danube
Boierul Costi, cumnatul Zazei
General Director
A bunch of comrades with ascending ranks from the same factory go on a illegal arranged hunting trip with a few intended 'romantic' mishaps.
Dragostea și revoluția
Manuil Păianu
Being in an unhappy marriage, the wife of an important director complains to the party when she is threatened by divorce, saying that her husband has an antisocial behavior. This is an occasion for the people present at that meeting to evaluate their own personal lives.
Sword Swallower
Col. Măruţă
The movie describes the life of a former circus artist who earns his living from the presentation in villages and towns of a sensational number entitled "Sword Swallower".
Prof. Boțan
Professor Cristian conducts research on a citostatic. He is still dealing though with the unjust condemning he suffered in the 50s. Some of the people around him try to bring him down with same type of accusations.
The Computer Testifies
Col. Câmpan
Economic espionage that involves a Romanian exterior commerce company being the victim.
Iancu Jianu, Outlaw
Banul Andronache
Stefan Luchian
Alexandru Bogdan-Pitești
Recreating the early twentieth century in Bucharest, leading to an unforgettable journey to the cultural space of Romania bohemia. The film follows the life of one of the famous for his landscapes and still lifes most renowned painters of Romania.
Iancu Jianu, zapciul
Banul Andronache
The movie details the struggle of Iancu Jianu as he's torn between joining the struggle of the poor peasants from which he came from and being on the other side of the law working for the rich.
Un echipaj pentru Singapore
Dacian King Burebista
The life of Dacian war-leader Burebista who ruled between 80-44 B.C.and founded a strong Dacian Kingdom despite considerable pressure from the neighboring Celtic warlords and the Greek cities of the Black Sea coast.
Bietul Ioanide
dublaj voce Ioanide
Vlad the Impaler: The True Life of Dracula
Mitropolit of Muntenia
Vlad Tepes, otherwise known as Vlad the Impaler and Dracula, fights the Ottoman Turks on the battlefield and the Hungarian Boyars in his court.
Man in Overcoat
Threatening letters, phone calls in the middle of the night... Who is threatening engineer Stamatiad?
For Motherland
Mihail Kogălniceanu
In 1877 during the Russo-Turkish war the Kingdom of Romania joins the war on Russia's side and declares its independence from the Ottoman Empire.
Singurătatea florilor
doctorul Danila, coleg cu dr. Pavel
Three Days and Three Nights
Piticu (Tiny)
In 1946, Northern Transylvania, an armed band is annihilated by the local communist organization, which manages to rally the locals on they side.
The City Seen from Above
Maria Sorescu, director of a re-education school, becomes mayor of a town. She tries to improve the predecessors' record.
The Romanian Musketeer
During the 18th century when Moldavian Prince Dimitrie Cantemir writes The History of the Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire the manuscript is stolen and offered to the highest bidder.
Historical adventure film that evokes the figure of the Prince Dimitrie Cantemir. The heroes fight for the manuscript "The History of the Ottoman Empire" and the jewels of the ruler's wife.
Filip the Kind
Young Filip tries to figure out how to live in a world full of compromise and corruption.
Beyond the Sands
Nae Caramet
Bad luck and bad judgment follow two generations of men in this Rumanian tragedy, set in the World War II era. Ion (Dan Nutu) seeks to find out why many years ago his father was falsely accused of being a communist, an accusation which led to his execution. He discovers that his father's mistress, now married to a wealthy man, made the accusation for money, as she was deathly afraid of poverty. Ion's own girlfriend seems to be similarly concerned about issues of livelihood, and abandons him for a richer suitor. Frustrated and angry, he burns down these couple's houses and takes up with some anti-communist arms smugglers.
Hidden Mountain
Eng. Comnea
A young man is taking hard his parents divorce and constant absence, so he decides to work on a hydro dam project. Here he finds some relatives that serve as a family.
The Last Bullet
A continuation of a story started in the drama "With Clean Hands" (1972).
With Clean Hands
A story of an apolitical police commissar who is using odd methods against the gangsters.
The Revenge of the Outlaws
Second of 2 films set during the 18th century in the mountains of Wallachia, about a band of outlaws aiming to undermine the rule of the Phanariots and the Ottomans. The story evolves around the two stepbrothers who lead this band, Sarbu and Amza, with their complex and violent relationship.
The Kidnapping of the Maidens
In 19th century Wallachia war-bands of Ottoman Turks from across the Danube river raid Wallachia with impunity while Wallachia's Phanariote rulers don't oppose them.
the prosecutor
A prosecutor, policemen and teacher bring the students Vuica and Nicu to a restaurant to re-enact their drunken brawl there, and have it filmed to show the effects of alcoholism.
The Mornings of a Sensible Youth
Tatal lui Vive
A young man leaves home after graduation from high school to make his way in the world and seek his independence. The story is told in flashbacks as the opening scene shows the man suffering injuries from a fall during his construction job as a welder.
White Trial
Matei recollects events of the year 1944 in order to prove the innocence of a friend. Based on "Șoseaua Nordului" (Northern Highway) novel by Eugen Barbu.
At the Gates of Earth
A group of geologists are in a prospecting expedition. Their personalities are explored as well.
A Midsummer Day's Smile
Nea Grigore
Fanita, a young man desirous to earn money as a result of personals initiatives, will fail in all these businesses , is ultimately convinced to enter in the Agricultural Production Comradeship or Community from his village.
Close to Sun
Petre Orsa, a young peasant gets a job at the Hunedoara Steel Mill with the dream of becoming a top-notch steel-man, having Mihai Solca - a sort of communist industrial hero- as his role model. He starts low moving dirt around with a shovel but he soon gets into the team of an old steel man, foreman Tudor Baci.