Chris, an exceptional student, is expelled from the school and suffers the neglect of the ones he loves after he commits a crime. Chris meets two lonely and dangerous new young friends that will lead him to explore the dark sides of his personality and to exploit his physical and emotional limits. The friends will experience a world without hope, living in a violent sociological environment that will create the conditions for the three of them to star looking for dead as the only one way of escape of their frustrated lives.
Rayen is a young theater student who has recently been infected HIV. She lives her illness in silence, as does her new gay friend: Manuel. Everything begins to get complicated when her ex-boyfriend Fiodor reappears after two years of absence and tries to seduce her
Sayra, a Honduran teen, hungers for a better life. Her chance for one comes when she is reunited with her long-estranged father, who intends to emigrate to Mexico and then enter the United States. Sayra's life collides with a pair of Mexican gangmembers who have boarded the same American-bound train.