Arthur Sullivan


The Mikado
The son of the Mikado of Japan, a wandering minstrel, falls for a girl who is engaged to her guardian.
H.M.S. Pinafore and Trial By Jury
Ralph Rackstraw, a poor seaman, is in love with the captain's daughter, Josephine. But how can he ask her to marry him when she is of a higher social class?
Trial by Jury
TRIAL BY JURY is Gilbert and Sullivan's one-act operetta about a pompous judge who practices casual prejudice in the courtroom. This Opera Australia performance was recorded in 2005.
Original Music Composer
The story of Oscar Wilde, genius, poet, playwright and the First Modern Man. The self-realisation of his homosexuality caused Wilde enormous torment as he juggled marriage, fatherhood and responsibility with his obsessive love for Lord Alfred Douglas.
HMS Pinafore
This nautical story of star-crossed lovers kicks off when the Captain of the H.M.S. PINAFORE makes arrangements for his daughter to marry the Lord Admiral of the Navy. However, problems ensue when his daughter reveals she’s in love with a low-ranking seaman aboard her father’s ship. Ironically, the Captain finds himself in a similar position with a dockside vendor called Little Buttercup. The whole situation is turned on its head when Little Buttercup reveals a game-changing secret she has kept for decades... This is no ordinary production of G&S. It fairly zings along, bubbling with joie de vivre, good humour and spice. However, you won't like this version of Pinafore if you're a strict G&S traditionalist. Considerable liberties are taken with the script; two songs are left out and several songs adapted from other G&S operas are added; Act II has been radically changed - and the music is played on three Moog synthesizers, with never a violin in sight!
The Gondoliers
After marrying their sweethearts Gianetta and Tessa, gondoliers Marco and Giuseppe learn that one of them is really the King of Barataria. But it's a mystery as to which one is which. The couples begin to fantasize about wealth and royalty, which brings about a delightful concoction of confusion, jealousy and true love. THE GONDOLIERS was the last successful collaborative work of Gilbert and Sullivan. This production was recorded at the Sydney Opera House.
The Mikado
Jonathan Miller set his well-known production of The Mikado, staged for the English National Opera, in a British seaside resort of the 1920s. The result, complete with a chorus of gentlemen of Japan as cartoon-like British peers, emphatically underscores the Englishness of the satire. The occasional non sequiturs, like a bunch of gentry dressed for Ascot and singing in Japanese, are loonily fun, and no more absurd than the fantasyland Japan that Gilbert and Sullivan invented. The time frame, though, seems little more than an excuse for a smart black-and-white production design.
The Pirates of Penzance
Brent Carver stars as the swashbuckling Pirate King in the famous Stratford Festival's rollicking production of the Gilbert & Sullivan classic that pits British bobbles against unlikely pirates on the Cornish coast. Sullivan regarded this operetta - a hit ever since its first production in New York in 1879 - as the best comedy he composed. He even said of his collaborator, "The libretto is ingenious, clever, wonderfully fun in parts and sometimes brilliant in dialogue - beautifully written for music, as is all Gilbert does." Indeed, audiences will find the music every bit a match for the lyrics, with the genius of the score lying in its parody of grand opera. Filmed in 1985 at the world-famous Stratford Shakespeare Festival in Stratford, Ontario.
The Mikado
Escaping from a distasteful marriage, Nanki-Poo, the son of the Mikado, arrives in the town of Titipu - disguised as a musician. He has chosen Titipu because a beautiful girl, Yum-Yum, with whom he has fallen in love, lives in the town. A desire to marry Yum-Yum, however, is not enough. Nanki-Poo has to contend with her guardian, Ko-Ko, the Lord High Executioner, who has every intention of marrying Yum-Yum, himself. Problems are compounded when the Mikado, accompanied by Katisha, Nanki-Poo's jilted bride, also arrive in the hitherto peaceful town of Titipu
Princess Ida
Princess Ida and Prince Hilarion were betrothed when the Prince was two years old and the Princess just one year old. Twenty years have now passed, and the time has come for Hilarion to claim his bride. The Princess, however, has other ideas. She has set up a women's-only University - and men are not allowed. Hilarion and his friends, Cyril and Florian, disguise themselves as women to gain entrance to the University. All goes well until Cyril's unmaidenly conduct compromises their disguise - and reveals the three friends as intruding men.
The Baronets of Ruddigore have been cursed by a witch. Each Baronet, in his turn, must commit a crime a day - or die in torture. To escape his dreadful fate, the latest Baronet, Sir Ruthven Murgatroyd, disguises himself as Robin Oakapple, a farmer. Only two people know his true identity - his faithful servant, Old Adam Goodheart, and his adopted brother, Richard Dauntless, a seaman. Robin Oakapple is in love with the beautiful Rose Maybud and wants to marry her - but his future plans appear doomed when his true identity is revealed.
Strephon, a shepherd (the son of a Fairy, Iolanthe, and a mortal), is in love with Phyllis, a shepherdess. He wants to marry her, but, although Phyllis also loves Strephon, she has a dilemma - she is so beautiful that all of the House of Lords, as well as her guardian, the Lord Chancellor, are also desirous of marrying her. There are many complications - including the peers being threatened by the Fairies - before a happy conclusion is reached by all.
The Gondoliers
Marco and Giuseppe marry their sweethearts Gianetta and Tessa, but neither couple is allowed to leave for their honeymoon, because there is a problem. They are informed that one of the bridegrooms is really the King of Barataria, but nobody knows which. Gianetta and Tessa are delighted with the idea of one of them being Queen, but upset when they are told that women are not allowed to accompany their husbands to Barataria and that they will have to stay behind in Venice
The Yeomen of the Guard
Colonel Fairfax has been falsely accused of sorcery by a jealous relative who covets his estates and money. The Colonel is condemned to death for his 'crime' and waits in the Tower of London for his execution. Fate, however, steps in - in the form of Sergeant Meryll (who owes his life to Colonel Fairfax) and Elsie Maynard, a beautiful strolling singer who has just arrived at the Tower to entertain the people in the company of a strolling jester, Jack Point.
H.M.S. Pinafore
The D'Oyly Carte production of the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta. Love blossoms between members of different social classes among a general lampooning of the British class system.
Trial By Jury
In a breach of promise case, the Learned Judge and Jury are somewhat smitten by the pretty Plaintiff's charms, and the Defendant is hard pressed to explain that indeed he loved this girl once, but fell in love with another. Despite his suggestion that he marry both women, the Learned Judge has his own solution... he will marry the Plaintiff himself!
Cox and Box
Cox works by day, and Box by night. Their rascally landlord lets the same room to both of them and doubles his profit. But eventually they discover they are not only involved with the same girl... but are indeed long-lost brothers! Featuring the London Symphony Orchestra and the Ambrosian Opera Chorus
The Pirates Of Penzance
As a young child, Frederic had been apprenticed to a pirate by mistake when he should have been apprenticed to a pilot. Now, having reached his 21st year, Frederic's indentures are at last over and he happily leaves the service of the pirates. When Frederic meets the beautiful Mabel, one of the many daughters (or wards in Chancery) of Major-General Stanley, they fall in love and decide to marry. However, complications arise when the pirates decide to marry the rest of the Major-General's daughters, themselves - and Frederic's birthdate turns out to be not all it seems.
The Sorcerer
The villagers of Ploverleigh are celebrating the marriage of Alexis, son of Sir Marmaduke Poindextre, to Aline, daughter of Lady Sangazure, who just happens to be Sir Marmaduke's old flame. Alexis is determined that all shall share the purity of his true love. He has arranged for Mr. Wells, "a dealer in magic and spells," to administer his best-selling love potion to everyone in the village, including the vicar Dr. Daly. The result is hilarious confusion.
In a world gone mad with languid ladies and affected gentlemen, the lovesick maidens of Castle Bunthorne forsake their handsome soldier suitors to pursue poet aesthete - and fake - Reginald Bunthorne. But he loves the village milkmaid, Patience, who doesn't like poetry or understand love. When Patience finally learns what love is, it's Reginald's rival she falls for.
The Pirates of Penzance
Original Music Composer
This Pirates of Penzance is primarily a historical document, part of the Broadway Theater Archive television series. It presents, with some inevitable, tiny technical shortcomings, a live 1980 performance in Central Park, not the 1983 movie of the same name that also starred Linda Ronstadt and Kevin Kline. Those who remember that film, which had the benefit of retakes and editing, a lavish production budget, and the spaciousness of a Hollywood studio, may find this video less polished. On its own terms, it is nonetheless thoroughly enjoyable.
Dick Deadeye, or Duty Done
Able Seaman Dick Deadeye is charged by Queen Victoria to find the stolen Ultimate Secret. His ugliness means that his life has always been lonely but a buxom barmaid takes a shine to him. Together, they battle pirates and an evil magician before discovering that the Ultimate Secret is nothing but LOVE! Using songs based on the original works of Gilbert and Sullivan (but updated with modern lyrics), this film was created to commemorate the centenary anniversary of the first collaboration of the composers of the Savoy Operas.
The Naughty Victorians: An Erotic Tale of a Maiden's Revenge
Haughty Alice is in for a surprise as she reluctantly takes refuge in the residence of her fiance, Jack. She finds her maidenhead taken from her, and is surprised to discover she likes it! Alice willingly assists Jack as they explore new escapades with unwitting victims.
For centuries, the Murgatroyd family, the Baronets of Ruddigore, have been under a witch's curse — commit a crime every day, or die in agony. Sir Ruthven Murgatroyd, the rightful heir, has run away to live as innocent peasant Robin Oakapple in the Cornish village of Rederring, sticking his brother Despard with the curse. But on the very day that "Robin" is to marry sweet, beautiful Rose Maybud, it all falls apart. Can Sir Ruthven outwit a picture gallery full of his ancestors' ghosts to save the day?
For centuries, the Murgatroyd family, the Baronets of Ruddigore, have been under a witch's curse — commit a crime every day, or die in agony. Sir Ruthven Murgatroyd, the rightful heir, has run away to live as innocent peasant Robin Oakapple in the Cornish village of Rederring, sticking his brother Despard with the curse. But on the very day that "Robin" is to marry sweet, beautiful Rose Maybud, it all falls apart. Can Sir Ruthven outwit a picture gallery full of his ancestors' ghosts to save the day?
The Mikado
Original Music Composer
In a mythical Japan, Ko-Ko, a cheap tailor, has been appointed Lord High Executioner and must find someone to execute before the arrival of the ruling Mikado. He lights upon Nanki-Poo, a strolling minstrel who loves the beautiful Yum-Yum. But Yum-Yum is also loved by Ko-Ko, and Nanki-Poo, seeing no hope for his love, considers suicide. Ko-Ko offers to solve both their problems by executing Nanki-Poo, and an agreement is reached whereby Ko-Ko will allow Nanki-Poo to marry Yum-Yum for one month, at the end of which Nanki-Poo will be executed, in time for the arrival of the Mikado. But what Ko-Ko doesn't know is that Nanki-Poo is the son of the Mikado and has run away to avoid a betrothal to an old harridan named Katisha. The arrival of the Mikado brings all the threads of the tale together.
The Yeomen of the Guard
A teleplay adaptation of Gilbert & Sullivan's most serious opera presented on Hallmark Hall of Fame.
The Lost Chord
'Musician kills count in duel for wife, and later falls in love with daughter.' (British Film Catalogue)
H.M.S. Pinafore
Experience HMS Pinafore in a brand new way with this smash-hit adaptation by Sasha Regan's renowned All-Male Company! This epic seagoing adventure features an infectious score by Gilbert and Sullivan and tells the age-old tale of navigating love among conflicting social classes. Witty, mischievous, and joyful, this unique adaptation will delight the whole family.